
An example to demonstrate how View Pager data and view model interact on MVVM pattern

Primary LanguageKotlin

Building You can open the project in Android studio and press run.

Testing The project uses both instrumentation tests that run on the device and local unit tests that run on the computer.

To run both of them and generate a coverage report, you can run: ./gradlew fullCoverageReport (requires a connected device or an emulator)

UI Tests The projects uses Espresso for UI testing. Since each fragment is limited to a ViewModel, each test mocks related ViewModel to run the tests.

Database Tests The project creates an in memory database for each database test but still runs them on the device.

Local Unit Tests ViewModel Tests Each ViewModel is tested using local unit tests with mock Repository implementations.

Repository Tests Each Repository is tested using local unit tests with mock web service and mock database.

Webservice Tests The project uses [MockWebServer][mockwebserver] project to test REST api interactions.

Libraries Android Support Library, support-lib Android Architecture Components Android Data Binding data-binding Dagger 2 for dependency injection Retrofit for REST api communication Glide for image loading Espresso for UI tests mockito for mocking in tests