
design of a software synthesizer

Primary LanguageC++

Designing a Musical Software Synthesizer: MKUltra

Image of MKUltra synthesizer user interface

Building the Project on Windows using Visual Studio 2019

Note: Visual Studio 2019 must be installed to build this project.

Download the Repository

  • Click the green "Clone or download" button.
  • Click "Download ZIP".
  • Navigate to the downloaded file (named "MKUltra-master.zip") and extract the archive by right-clicking on the file and selecting "Extract All...".

Open the Project in Visual Studio 2019

  • Navigate to the "MKUltra" directory. This is the project's root directory.
  • Navigate to the build directory "Builds\VisualStudio2019".
  • Open the file "MKUltra.sln" in Visual Studio 2019.

Debug / Run the Project

  • Click on "Local Windows Debugger" or press "F5" to start running and debugging the project.

Building a Standalone Executable

  • Change the project configuration from "Debug" to "Release" in the dropdown menu to the left of "Local Windows Debugger".
  • Press "F7" to build the project, or select it from the menu "Build -> Build Solution".
  • The executable "MKUltra.exe" is found in the directory "...\MKUltra\Builds\VisualStudio2019\x64\Release\App".
    • This executable can be copied and pasted anywhere, and used from that location, i.e., put on the Desktop and ran from there.

Developing the Project on Windows using Visual Studio 2019

Note: Installing Git on Windows with Git Bash is recommended.

Clone the Repository

$ cd <some directory>
$ git clone https://github.com/chettrick/MKUltra

Open the Project in Visual Studio 2019

  • Navigate to the "MKUltra" directory. This is the project's root directory.
  • Navigate to the build directory "Builds/VisualStudio2019".
  • Open the file "MKUltra.sln" in Visual Studio 2019

Debug / Run the Project

  • Click on "Local Windows Debugger" or press "F5" to start running and debugging the project.

Using the Synthesizer

Via the GUI

  • The on-screen keyboard can be used to play via a mouse.
  • The computer's qwerty keyboard can be used to play. Polyphony works (multiple keys play simultaneously).
    • The top row keys are the synthesizer's black keys.
    • The middle row keys are the synthesizer's white keys.

Via a Hardware MIDI Keyboard / Controller

  • A MIDI card, USB MIDI interface, or a USB MIDI keyboard is needed. For example, something like this.
  • The keyboard needs to be plugged in and drivers installed, etc, before starting the synthesizer. The synthesizer does not yet auto-negotiate newly attached hardware.
  • Select the desired MIDI keyboard from the dropdown menu on the synthesizer.

Via a Virtual Software MIDI Keyboard / Controller

  • Virtual MIDI devices on Windows need to go through a loopback device, such as loopMIDI.
  • A virtual MIDI keyboard, such as Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard, configured to use the loopMIDI interface, is used to send MIDI commands to the synthesizer.
  • Notation software, such as MuseScore, can be used to generate MIDI commands to send to the synthesizer, via VMPK and loopMIDI.
  • Select the desired MIDI keyboard from the dropdown menu on the synthesizer.