
database engine implementing CQRS via separate reads and writes

Primary LanguageC++


database engine implementing CQRS via separate reads and writes


The API uses JSON throughout. A movie JSON object has four fields:

Field Purpose Type Required Field
id A unique identifier for movies. Numeric Auto-generated by Transaction Server
name Name of movie. String Required
desc Description of movie. String Optional
date Release date of movie. String Required

Currently, there are only three HTTP requests that will get a response.

1. Retrieve list of all movies from the database:

  • GET request to endpoint http://localhost:5555/api/movies
  • Example cURL command:
    $ curl -i http://localhost:5555/api/movies
  • Example response from transaction server:
    HTTP/1.1 200
    content-type: application/json
    content-length: 289
    date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 23:10:39 GMT
    server: hypercorn-h11
      "movies": [
          "date": "1986",
          "desc": "One daring young pilot flies jets.",
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Top Gun"
          "date": "1990",
          "desc": "One daring young driver drives cars.",
          "id": 2,
          "name": "Days of Thunder"

2. Retrieve one movie from the database based on its id.

  • GET request to endpoint http://localhost:5555/api/movies/[id]
  • Example cURL command:
    $ curl -i http://localhost:5555/api/movies/1
  • Example response from transaction server:
    HTTP/1.1 200
    content-type: application/json
    content-length: 128
    date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 23:20:13 GMT
    server: hypercorn-h11
      "movie": {
        "date": "1986",
        "desc": "One daring young pilot flies jets.",
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Top Gun"

3. Create a new movie and add it to the database:

  • POST request to endpoint http://localhost:5555/api/movies
  • Currently "name" and "date" fields are required in POST request.
  • Example cURL command:
    $ curl -i
           -H "Content-Type: application/json"
           -X POST
           -d '{"name": "Mission Impossible",
                "date": "1996",
                "desc": "One daring young man is a secret agent."}'
  • Example response from transaction server:
    HTTP/1.1 201
    content-type: application/json
    content-length: 145
    date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 23:22:34 GMT
    server: hypercorn-h11
      "movie": {
        "date": "1996",
        "desc": "One daring young man is a secret agent.",
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Mission Impossible"