

  • Yokohama National University, Bachelor of Liberal Arts, 2008.4 -- 2012.3
  • Yokohama National University Graduate Schools, Master of engineering, 2012.4 -- 2014.3
  • Yokohama National University Graduate Schools, Integrated Ocean Education Program, 2012.4 -- 2014.3

Work Experience

  • ~ 2015.3)
  • Yudo(2015.4 ~ 2016.10)
    • Backend server engineer for SNS application 斉藤さん
    • API developer
    • Servers infrastructure maintainer
  • enigmo(2016.11 ~ 2018.06)
    • Software engineer of EC
    • Search developer
    • Architecture
  • Supership (2018.06 ~ current)
    • Search engineer / Infrastructure
    • desin inside search middleware for business
    • search platform s4 developer
    • 2018 Be Super Award Data Tech Section MVT(Toyota Business Analysis Infrastructure Project)

Personal Projects

  • Gem: TrieSuggest
    • A ruby gem to suggest and spellcheck keyword. you can inport your search log and build a simple powerful suggest and spellcheck tool.
