
a simple program for suggest or spellcheck keyword use trie tree

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


a simple program for suggest or spellcheck keyword use trie tree

How to use

  • install depends gem
gem install natto
gem install romaji
gem install activesupport
  • install trie suggest
gem install trie_suggest
  • add keyword data
require 'trie_suggest'

data = trie_suggest.new
data.add_word('foo', 999)
data.add_word('bar', 666)
  • suggest
# responcse will sort by score
=> [["foo", 999]]
=> [["bar", 666]]
  • spellcheck
=> [["foo", 999]]


  • natto
  • romaji

Trouble Shooting

  • MECAB_PATH error

    LoadError: Please set MECAB_PATH to the full path to libmecab.dylib
    sudo find /usr/ -name "libmecab*"
    export MECAB_PATH=you_libmecab_path
  • Function 'mecab_model_new2' not found

    brew install mecab
    brew install mecab-ipadic