
Vim plugin: Mappings for simultaneously pressed keys

Primary LanguageVimL

arpeggio is a Vim plugin to define another type of key-mapping called
arpeggio-key-mapping -- it consists of 2 or more keys ({lhs}) and it will be
expanded to another key sequence ({rhs}) whenever all keys in {lhs} are
simultaneously pressed.  For example:

	Arpeggio inoremap jk  <Esc>
	" OR
	call arpeggio#map('i', '', 0, 'jk', '<Esc>')

With the above definition, you can input <Esc> in Insert mode by pressing "j"
and "k" simultaneously, while you can move the cursor by pressing "j" or "k"

The concept of this plugin is derived from Emacs' [key-chord.el](http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/key-chord.el), but there are the following differences:

- Number of keys to be simultaneously pressed is unlimited.
- Custom delay for each key is supported.
  This is a generalization of [space-chord.el](http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/space-chord.el).