Distribution | Version | Tag | Dockerfile |
Alpine | 2.48 | latest, 2.48 | Dockerfile |
Alpine | stable 2.32.3 | 2.32.3 | Dockerfile |
Alpine | release candidate | rc | Dockerfile |
Alpine | stable release candidate | stable-rc | Dockerfile |
Older tags remain but are not supported/rebuild.
$ docker run -d -p 80:8080 --name jenkins blacklabelops/jenkins
You can run the Jenkins solely with command line parameters!
$ docker run \
-d -p 8090:8080 \
--name jenkins \
blacklabelops/jenkins --debug=9
Staring Jenkins with custom debug level.
Example list parameters:
$ docker run --rm blacklabelops/jenkins --help
Lists jenkins plugin parameters.
Example printing Jenkins version:
$ docker run --rm blacklabelops/jenkins --version
Prints the image's Jenkins version.
Leave a message and ask questions on Hipchat: blacklabelops/hipchat
Build Slaves can be found here: blacklabelops/swarm
The detailed manual moved here: