To build this forest, you need to have a working installation of the following software:

  • LaTeX, preferably the full TeXLive distribution

  • forester, which you can install using opam install forester; at times, you may need to build from source if I haven't released the latest version to opam

Once you have ensured that these programs are installed and in your PATH, simply run ./ To view the forest, you can open output/index.xml in your favorite browser: for Firefox, you may need to set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false in about:config. Alternatively, you can serve the output directory from a local webserver to avoid this.

If you have fswatch installed, you can run ./ to watch for changes to the trees directory and rebuild accordingly.

If you prefer to use nix, you can simply run nix develop to enter a shell with TexLive and fswatch available. If you additionally use direnv, run direnv allow to automatically enter the shell when you enter the repository. Note that this is entirely optional.

JavaScript dependencies

This forest has a small JavaScript component (javascript/forester.js), which creates a keyboard command palette. There is no need to have any of the JavaScript or Node ecosystem installed on your machine; all JavaScript dependencies are kept bundled in source control. If you wish to upgrade this bundle, you will need to have a working installation of npm, and then run ./ and commit the resulting changes. It is not ordinarily necessary to do this.