
Bucardo sandbox to sync 2 DBs

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Bucardo Sandbox

A sandbox about replicating data from 1 postgres DB to another using bucardo.
This sandbox uses docker-compose for linux package installation and database creation only (this is intentional).

Versions used:

  • PostgreSQL - 11.9
  • Bucardo - 5.6.0


We would have 2 databases (source database and destination database). Data in some tables would then be synced from src to dest DB.

Source host:
Source database: booking-db
Source port: 5432
Source username: postgres
Source password: AAAaaa123!@#

Destination host:
Destination database: booking-db
Destination port: 6432
Destination username: postgres
Destination password: AAAaaa123!@#

Tables to-sync from source database:

  • schema_to_migrate.bookings
  • schema_to_migrate.booking_histories

Running the Sandbox


You need to have these installed in your system beforehand:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Any DB GUI or psql to inspect the database later on

Sandbox Setup

Setup static IP on host
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

In the root project directory, run docker-compose up. This spawns the 2 database containers with required linux packages and postgres plugin.

Execute bash using root user in source postgres container by running docker exec -u root -it $(docker ps -aqf "name=postgres-11-src$") /bin/bash

Environment Variables Setup

For convenience purpose, set the informations to env variables

export SOURCE_PORT=5432
export SOURCE_DATABASE=booking-db
export SOURCE_USERNAME=postgres
export SOURCE_PASSWORD='AAAaaa123!@#'

export DEST_HOST=
export DEST_PORT=6432  
export DEST_DATABASE=booking-db  
export DEST_USERNAME=postgres
export DEST_PASSWORD='AAAaaa123!@#'

export TABLES="schema_to_migrate.bookings schema_to_migrate.booking_histories"

Source Database & Destination Database Setup

Connect to the src database using psql to create tables and optionally seed dummy data.


CREATE SCHEMA schema_to_migrate;
CREATE TABLE schema_to_migrate.bookings(booking_id int primary key);
CREATE TABLE schema_to_migrate.booking_histories(booking_history_id int primary key);

INSERT INTO schema_to_migrate.bookings(booking_id) values (1);


Because destination database is freshly deployed, dump schema info from source database and update destination database with the schema information

cd /tmp && \
pg_dump -U $SOURCE_USERNAME -d $SOURCE_DATABASE --schema-only --no-privileges --no-owner --no-security-labels --no-synchronized-snapshots --no-tablespaces > schema.sql && \
psql -h $DEST_HOST -p $DEST_PORT -d $DEST_DATABASE -U $DEST_USERNAME -f schema.sql

Bucardo Setup

Create a new linux user for bucardo

export BUCARDO_USER=bucardo

sudo useradd $BUCARDO_USER -m && \
sudo passwd $BUCARDO_USER

Download bucardo distribution in well-known src folder

cd /usr/local/src && \
wget https://github.com/bucardo/bucardo/archive/5.6.0.tar.gz && \
tar zxvf 5.6.0.tar.gz && \
rm 5.6.0.tar.gz && \
cd bucardo-5.6.0 && \
perl Makefile.PL && \
make && \
make install && \
sudo chown -R $BUCARDO_USER:$BUCARDO_USER /usr/local/src/bucardo-5.6.0

Create other folders required by bucardo

sudo mkdir -p /var/log/bucardo /var/run/bucardo && \
sudo chown $BUCARDO_USER:$BUCARDO_USER /var/log/bucardo /var/run/bucardo

Switch to bucardo user then re-apply the env variables

su -l bucardo

Configuring Bucardo's PostgreSQL

Create .pgpass file to connect to local and destination DB, then secure it due to it containing credential information

cat > $HOME/.pgpass <<EOL  

chmod 0600 $HOME/.pgpass

In the bucardo directory, trigger bucardo installation. Change the config such that it match the configuration below then proceed with the installation

cd /usr/local/src/bucardo-5.6.0 && \
./bucardo install --quiet
1. Host:  
2. Port:           5432  
3. User:           postgres  
4. Database:       booking-db  
5. PID directory:  /var/run/bucardo 

Configuring Bucardo Sync

Add source database

./bucardo add db source_db dbhost=$SOURCE_HOST dbport=$SOURCE_PORT dbname=$SOURCE_DATABASE dbuser=$SOURCE_USERNAME dbpass=$SOURCE_PASSWORD

Add destination database

./bucardo add db dest_db dbhost=$DEST_HOST dbport=$DEST_PORT dbname=$DEST_DATABASE dbuser=$DEST_USERNAME dbpass=$DEST_PASSWORD

Add tables to migrate

./bucardo add tables $TABLES db=source_db
./bucardo add herd copying_herd $TABLES

And build a sync based on the "copying herd"

./bucardo add sync booking_sync relgroup=copying_herd dbs=source_db:source,dest_db:target onetimecopy=2

Set bucardo's database credential info bucardo's config file

cat > $HOME/.bucardorc <<EOL

Run bucardo to start sync process

./bucardo start