
MessagePack encoder/decoder library for Haxe

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT

Llama: MessagePack library for Haxe

Llama is a MessagePack (MsgPack) encoder/decoder library for Haxe.

Llama is intended to be a modern alternative to the msgpack-haxe library with better reusability.

Supported types

MsgPack type Haxe type
nil null
false, true bool
uint, int Int, Int64
float Float
bin Bytes
str String
ext llama.Extension
array Array
map IMap (llama.AssociativeArray), anon struct


  • When encoding Int, the library assumes it holds a 32-bit value. It will be truncated otherwise.
  • When decoding uint 32, the value will be promoted to Int64 if it does not fit in Int.
  • When decoding uint 64, the value will be interpreted as Int64.
  • The maximum size of a map or length of an array is the upper limit of Int (2147483647).
  • On targets without a integer data type, numbers will be encoded as 32-bit integers wherever possible.

Supported targets

Target Supported?
JS Yes
Lua Yes
Flash (SWF) Yes
Neko No. 31-bit integer limitation.
C++ (CPP) Yes
C# (CS) Yes*
Java Yes
Python Yes
HashLink (HL) Yes
  • On C#, only maps with IMap<Any,Any>, IMap<String,Any>, IMap<Int,Any>, and anonymous structures are supported.

Getting started

Requires Haxe 4.0+

Install it using haxelib:

    haxelib install llama

Or directly from Git repo:

    haxelib git llama https://github.com/chfoo/llama.git

Simple interface

To quickly decode and encode, use the simplified interface:

import llama.Llama;

final myData:Bytes = Llama.encode("hello world!");
final myDoc:String = Llama.decode(myData);

Encoder and decoder interface

The advanced interface provides much better control on the decoding and encoding process.


The encoder works on a Output instance such as BytesOutput or FileOutput:

final output = new BytesOutput();
final encoder = new Encoder(output);

encoder.encode("hello world!");

final myData = output.getBytes();

If you have any objects that need to be serialized manually, you can provide a custom encoder callback:

encoder.customEncoder = (encoder, object) -> {
    if (Std.is(object, MyCustomClass)) {
    } else {
        throw 'Unsupported object $object';

If you have any extensions, the class can implement Extension which the encoder will use for serialization:

class MyCustomExtension implements Extension {
    public function new() {}

    public function extensionType():Int {
        return 123;

    public function extensionData():Bytes {
        return Bytes.ofString("hello world!");

encoder.encode(new MyCustomExtension());

If there is any object that cannot be encoded, a String exception will be thrown.


The decoder works on a Input instance such as BytesInput or FileInput:

final input = new BytesInput(myData);
final decoder = new Decoder(input);

final object = decoder.decode();

If there is any decoding errors, a String exception will be thrown.

By default, map types are decoded to AssociativeArray implementing IMap. This class works with any type as the keys, but map operations are O(n) time which can be unsuitable for large maps. If you know the type of the map keys, you can provide a map factory to the decoder:

// StringMap
decoder = new Decoder(input);
decoder.mapFactory = () -> new Map<String,Any>();

// IntMap
decoder = new Decoder(input);
decoder.mapFactory = () -> new Map<Int,Any>();

// anonymous structure
decoder = new Decoder(input);
decoder.mapFactory = () -> {};

To convert any extensions, you can provide a extension handler callback:

decoder.extensionDecoder = (decoder, extension) {
    switch extension.extensionType()
        case 123:
            return new MyCustomType(extension.extensionData());
            return extension;

When parsing untrusted input, the decoder will accept any size and may crash. To avoid this, set the maxMapSize, maxArrayLength, maxBytesLength, and maxRecursionDepth fields on decoder.

Further reading

API docs: https://chfoo.github.io/llama/api/


If you have any issues or fixes, please file a issue or pull request.


See LICENSE file.