
various small utilities

Primary LanguagePython


this is a repo containing some small utilities I've written, to do various different things

no documentation is provided, these programs might have help commands and if one doesn't it should be self-explanatory

I also don't guarantee everything here works

oh and most of this stuff is probably going to be really hacky

descriptions of some of the utilities

  • imgview.py - simple image viewer in python using unicode half-block characters (also probably my favorite out of all these), can be used as a module
  • maketable.py - makes tables with random data, output can be pasted into google sheets
  • spaceify - makes s p a c e d o u t t e x t from stdin
  • mc-nonpremium-prox.py - a proxy for minecraft which theoretically should allow you to connect to a nonpremium server with an arbitrary username from a premium client. not sure if it works.
  • simple-https-server.py - like http.server, but for https
  • autoclick.sh - automatically clicks a location every N seconds
  • discord-webhooks/webhooksender.py - utility to send messages using discord webhooks, can be used as a module