Upload a file from a GitHub action into a storage account without having a credential in GitHub.


  • Have a GitHub Action upload files into an Azure Blob Storage Account
    • Do it without having sensitive information in GitHub, by using Azure Workload Identity Federation
    • Show how to do it using proper GitHub Action azure/login@v1
    • Show how you could do it using blain bash and curl, if that GH action would not exist. Bonus: It shows you the actual token contents in the Actions log.


High-level steps .

  • Create an app in Azure Active Directory
    • Create a federated credential for that app
  • Authorize the app to be Blob Storage Data Contributor on the storage account (or the container)
  • Bring the AAD tenant ID and the app's client_id into GitHub (stored as 'secrets', even though they are not secrets)

How to run this

  • Parametrize the values in setup.sh and run it.

Token details

Token issuer Claim Value
GitHub Issuer iss="https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com"
GitHub Audience aud="api://AzureADTokenExchange"
GitHub Subject sub="repo:chgeuer/azure-workload-identity-github:ref:refs/heads/main"
Azure Issuer iss="https://sts.windows.net/mytenant.onmicrosoft.com/"
Azure Audience aud="https://storage.azure.com"
Azure Subject sub="079fd90b-a298-480a-b951-257d0974f77e"

The Azure credential is issued by my AAD tenant, has a subject ("sub": "079fd90b-a298-480a-b951-257d0974f77e") equivalent to the service principal's Object ID:


Azure Portal Screenshots


