
a Component Optimiser for Simple Filter Circuits.

Primary LanguagePython


a Component Optimiser for Simple Filter Circuits

This little Python script helps automate the process of picking the components for elementary RC/RL/LC filter circuits to get as close as possible to the specified cutoff parameter.


  • Python 3.6 -- although for anything other than f-string formatting, any 3+ version will do;
  • QuantiPhy.


Install QuantiPhy with pip3 install quantiphy.

Then, clone this repo or download the files and install the folder wherever you fancy.



The text files in the components folder are dedicated to hosting the lists of available components. Do modify them according to your current availability!
The values are expected in a flexible formatting: in a pinch, just write them down as you're used to doing normally, and you'll most likely be fine.

Here is the full formatting specification: [value] [prefix][unit], where:

  • value is the value of the component -- required;
  • prefix is the value's SI prefix multiplier:
    • T = 10^12,
    • G = 10^9,
    • M = 10^6,
    • k = 10^3,
    • (none/whitespace) = 1,
    • m = 10^-3,
    • u = 10^-6,
    • n = 10^-9,
    • p = 10^-1,;
  • unit is the value's SI measurement unit:
    • Ohm for resistors;
    • Farad F for capacitors;
    • Henry H for inductors.

The components files are shipped with the 3 most common decades of E24 values for each component.


Simply fire up python3 cosfic.py in your terminal and follow the prompts.
Again, the cutoff parameter is requested in a flexible formatting: just write it down however you prefer.

Here is the full formatting specification: [f/w] [value] [prefix][unit], where:

  • f and w are the switches for frequency (f) or pulsation (ω) as quantities to specify the value for -- required, mutually exclusive, and defaulting to f;
  • x is the value of the selected quantity -- required;
  • p is the value's SI prefix, as mentioned above;
  • u is the value's SI measurement unit, as mentioned above.