
A basic client for, which can optionally connect to the Slack Real Time Messaging (RTM) API.


This plugin is a light wrapper around the Slack API. In its basic form, it can be used to call any API method and be expected to return a dict of the JSON reply.

The optional RTM connection allows you to create a persistent websocket connection, from which you can read events just like an official Slack client. This allows you to respond to events in real time without polling and send messages without making a full HTTPS request.

See python-rtmbot for an active project utilizing this library.


Automatic w/ PyPI (virtualenv is recommended.)

pip install slackclient


git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt


See examples in doc/examples

Note: You must obtain a token for the user/bot. You can find or generate these at the Slack API page.

###Basic API methods

import time
from slackclient import SlackClient

token = "xoxp-28192348123947234198234"      # found at
sc = SlackClient(token)
print sc.api_call("api.test")
print sc.api_call("", channel="1234567890")

Real Time Messaging

import time
from slackclient import SlackClient

token = "xoxp-28192348123947234198234"# found at
sc = SlackClient(token)
if sc.rtm_connect():
    while True:
        print sc.rtm_read()
    print "Connection Failed, invalid token?"


[SlackClient.server] Server object owns the websocket and all nested channel information.

[SlackClient.server.channels] A searchable list of all known channels within the parent server. Call print (sc instance) to see the entire list.


SlackClient.rtm_connect() Connect to a Slack RTM websocket. This is a persistent connection from which you can read events.

SlackClient.rtm_read() Read all data from the RTM websocket. Multiple events may be returned, always returns a list [], which is empty if there are no incoming messages.

SlackClient.rtm_send_message([channel, message]) Sends the text in [message] to [channel], which can be a name or identifier i.e. "#general" or "C182391"

SlackClient.api_call([method, params]) Call the Slack method [method] with the a dict of params in [params]

SlackClient.server.send_to_websocket([data]) Send a JSON message directly to the websocket. See RTM documentation for allowed types.

SlackClient.server.channels.find([identifier]) The identifier can be either name or Slack channel ID. See above for examples.

SlackClient.server.channels[int].send_message([text]) Send message [text] to [int] channel in the channels list.

SlackClient.server.channels.find([identifier]).send_message([text]) Send message [text] to channel [identifier], which can be either channel name or ID. Ex "#general" or "C182391"