
This is to store all homework assigned in ML2020 course.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is to store all homework assigned in ML2020 course.
Course website is (http://speech.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~tlkagk/courses_ML20.html), including all projects and homework info.

HW1 - Linear Regreesion

HW2 - 2-class Classification

  • Use a Generative Model (Gaussian distribution) and a Discriminative Model (Logistic regression) to accomplish a 2-class classfication;
  • Kaggle link: here;
  • HW2 code link: here;
    • Training cases and validation cases are chosen randomly from the original training data set
    • Generative model: here
      • Training loss: 12.4%
      • Validation loss: 12.6%
    • Discriminative model with SGD: here
      • Learning rate = 0.00001
      • Learning iterations = 1000
      • Training loss: 11.4%
      • Validation loss: 11.9%
    • For this data set, since the number of data sets is relatively large, the discriminative method yields a smaller loss for both training and validation. When the number of training data is small, the generative model may yield a better result because of the assumption of probability distribution.

HW3 - Image Classification with CNN

  • Use Convolutional Neural Network for image classification. 11 different classes of images are given.
  • Kaggle link: here;
  • TensorFlow is used for image processing and model training;
    • Note: TensorFlow V2.3 is used with command image_dataset_from_directory. The command has a bug (link), which cannot load label lists. Images should be manually seperated by classes into different subdirectories.
  • Five layers of convolutional layers + max pooling are used, with 3 layers of regular layers after flatten;
  • After 30 epoches, training accuracy is 96.9%, and validation error is 43.5%. The reason why validation error is low needs further study.

HW4 - Text Classification with RNN and Semi-Supervised Learning (self learning)

  • Use RNN and self learning for text classification. Output is a binary class, with 1 as positive sentence and 0 for negative sentence;
  • Kaggle link: here;
  • 70% of labelled texts are used as the training data, and the remaining 30% labelled texts are used for validation;
  • TensorFlow is used for model building and training. Bidirectional LSTM layer is applied as the RNN structure;
  • For self learning, 0.8 is chosen as the threshold to get pseudo-labels for unlabelled data. For each unlabelled data, if output is larger than 0.8, the data will be labelled as 1; if the output is smaller than 0.2, the data will be labelled as 0. Remaining data will not be labelled/used for training.
  • In each training, 1,000 unlabelled data will be predicted. After considering possibility threshold, newly labelled data are added into original training data set for training. In this project, 500~600 cases are added to the training set in each epoch.
  • After 10 epoches of learning without using unlabelled data, the accuracy is 97.3% for training data, and is 74.7% for validation data;
  • After 10 epoches of self-learning with considering 1,000 unlabelled data, the accuracy is 97.5% for the training data, and is 74.5% for validation data.
  • CoLab link: here

HW5 - Explaniable ML

  • Use the trained CNN in HW3 to build saliency maps and filter visualization;
  • Saliency map: here
  • Saliency maps of two pictures are shown as examples. The first picture is a 'bread', and the second picture is a 'dairy';
  • Filter visualization: here

HW6 - Adversarial Attack

  • Use FGSM (Fast Gradient Sign Method) to generate adversarial images;
  • FGSM code: here
  • Pixel limit for adversarial images is set to 15 for more obvious results;
  • VGG16 is used as the proxy network;
  • The predicted label for Image 0 is ground bettle (49.1%) before attack. After attack, the label is cardigan (23.1%);
  • The predicted label for Image 1 is vase (49.3) before attack. After attack, the label is mosque (24.4%).

HW7 - Network Compression

  • This homework includes applications of network pruning, knowledge distillation, parameter quantization, and architecture design;
  • Network pruning: remove less important weights/neurons after training, then fine tune the pruned model;
  • Knowledge distillation: a smaller 'student' model learns 'everything' output by the 'teacher' model, not only the final output;
  • Parameter quantization: use less bits or weight clustering to reduce the size of a model (e.g., change weights from float64 to int8);
  • Achitecture design: by adding intermediate layers, the total number of parameters in a model can be reduced (e.g., depthwise & pointwise CNN);
  • In Tensorflow, SeparableConv2D layer can be directly used for depthwise & pointwise CNN. The code in the folder is to show how to build complicated architectures in TensorFlow.

HW8 - Seq2Seq Model for Translation

  • This homework is to use different seq2seq models to translate English to Chinese;
  • Colab is used to run codes with GPU, all Colab files are uploaded here;
  • Method 1: Teacher-forcing seq2seq
    • 256 LSTM units are used, with training accuray 95% after 100 epoches;
    • Some translation examples:
      • English: mary is sitting at the desk
        Chinese: 瑪麗的男人正在著一本書。
      • English: i will be free in ten minutes
        Chinese: 我十分鐘後有空。
      • English: i ve got no friends
        Chinese: 我沒有朋友。
      • English: what time does the movie start
        Chinese: 電影什麼時候開始?
    • Network structure:
  • Method 2: Attention model - Bahdanau's additive style
    • 256 LSTM units are used, with training accuracy 99.5% after 60 epoches;
    • Some translation examples:
      • English: he is tall
        Chinese: 他很高。
      • English: hurry up and you will be in time for the bus
        Chinese: 在上快點,快點!了這快點是真的。
      • English: he s always at home on sundays
        Chinese: 他星期日總是在家。
      • English: i do nt know if i have the time
        Chinese: 我不知道我有時間。
      • English: did he go to see mary
        Chinese: 他去看見瑪麗了嗎?
    • Network structure:
  • Method 3: Transformer

HW9 - Image Autoencoder with Unsupervised Learning

  • This homework is to classify images with unlabelled data. Images are classfied with 'Natural View' and 'No Natural View';
  • Kaggle link: here
  • CoLab link: here
  • The De-noising autoencoder-decoder model with 2 de-convolution layers (Conv2DTranspose) is used. Image original sizes (32, 32, 3) are embedded into 128-element vectors, then transformed to 2-D vectors by t-SNE;
  • Original images:
  • Noised images:
  • Images output by decoders:
  • Accuracy in validation set: 70.8%

HW10 - Anomaly Detection

  • This homework is to detect anomaly with autoencoders. After reconstruction with the trained autoencoder, if the reconstruction error is larger than a setted threshold, the data is considered as an anomaly;
  • Squared error 200 is set as the threshold. After running, 62/10000 (0.62%) test data is considered as anomaly;
  • Kaggle link: here
  • CoLab link: here
  • Trained images:
  • Image considered as normal in test data:
  • Image considered as anomaly in test data:

HW11 - GAN

  • This homework is to use DCGAN (Deep Convolutional GAN) to generate anime profile photos.
  • Data link: here
  • Two models were built for GAN. Model structures are the same, but the training strategies are different. Model 1 used gradients to update parameters directly, and Model 2 used tf.keras.Model.fit and tf.keras.Model.compile instead of using gradients directly;
  • Model 1 CoLab link: here
  • Model 2 CoLab link: here
  • Both models were trained with 10000 photos and 50 epochs.
  • Image generated by Model 1:
  • Image generated by Model 2:
  • In both models, when using generator or discriminator to predict values, training=True is necessary to activate BatchNormalization layers. Batch normalization layers are important for a large model like GAN. For instance:
generated_images = generator(noise, training=True)
real_output = discriminator(real_images, training=True)
fake_output = discriminator(generated_images, training=True)

HW12 - Transfer Learning - Domain Adverserial Neural Network

  • This homework is use DaNN to train unlabelled target data with labelled source data;
  • Kaggle link: here
  • The idea of GaNN is to build a Feature Extractor, a Label Predictor, and a Domain Classifier;
  • Label predictor: match labels for source data, and predict labels for target data;
  • Feature extractor: extract image features, maximize label classification accuracy and minimize domain classification accuracy;
  • Domain classifier: decide which domain is the feature coming from (from source or target). Target domain is set to 1, and source domain is set to 0;
  • Target images and source images are preprocessed by PIL: preprocess code
  • Becasue of limited GPU capacity, the whole network is trained with 15 epochs. The structure works according to a trail with limited data. The code is available for reference [here].(https://github.com/hansxiao7/ML2020/blob/main/HW12/DaNN.ipynb)
  • The labelling accuracy for source data is 99.0% (4951/5000);
  • For the first 20 target images, the predicted labels are shown in the following image. Only 35% (7/20) are predicted correctly.

HW13 - Meta Learning

HW14 - Lifelong Learning with EWS

  • This homework is to use EWS to achieve lifelong learning;
  • Task 1: digit recognition on MNIST dataset;
  • Task 2: digit recognition on SVHN dataset;
  • The image size for MNIST is (28, 28, 1), and the image size for SVHN is (32, 32, 3). Data preprocessing is conducted first to transfer SVHN data with the same dimension of MNIST data. An ImageNet-like network is built for these two tasks;
  • Without EWS, the cross-entropy loss table for these two tasks is shown as follows. The model is firstly trained with MNIST data, then trained with SVHN data.
Test on MNIST Test on SVHN
Random Init. 2.94 2.51
MNIST Trained 0.09 11.89
SVHN Trained 2.43 0.69
  • With EWS and learning rate for EWS = 10, the cross-entropy loss table for these two tasks is shown as follows:
Test on MNIST Test on SVHN
Random Init. 2.54 2.64
MNIST Trained 0.08 14.82
SVHN Trained 0.09 4.24
  • With EWS and learning rate for EWS = 0.001, the cross-entropy loss table for these two tasks is shown as follows:
Test on MNIST Test on SVHN
Random Init. 2.91 2.65
MNIST Trained 0.07 15.12
SVHN Trained 0.41 0.93
  • Codes are available here;

HW15 - Reinforcement Learning

  • Homework can be found here.