
Bella Vita Organic, Inc. is an Indian Health care Organic store. Founded in 2005 by W. Verman and F. Walia, it originated as a Organic Products store and evolved into a full-line retailer with departments for Hair Care, Skin Care, Body Care, cosmetics, and fragrances..

Primary LanguageHTML


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Build Status

Bella Vita Organic, Inc. is an Indian Health care Organic store. Founded in 2005 by W. Verman and F. Walia, it originated as a Organic Products store and evolved into a full-line retailer with departments for Hair Care, Skin Care, Body Care, cosmetics, and fragrances..

Technologies we used

  • HTML , CSS


  • Browser LocalStorage for Frontend

  • Blog Link


  • Login and logout functionality.
  • Navbar contains various product categories.
  • On product page particular category products with multiple sorting options displayed.
  • On Checkout page price is calculated dynamically.

Steps to navigate the website:

  • On the Landing Page header, user can click on the 'Admin' Icon to either Sign In or Create an Account
  • Once the user has logged in, they are taken back to the Landing Page.
  • On the top nav-bar, the user can navigate to the following categories: All products, to open the products page
  • On the Products Page
    • On clicking on each product 'Quick View' button. Clicking on it, the user will be shown the details of the product along with the option to add the product to their Cart.
  • On hovering on products user get button called 'BUY NOW' bye clicking on it products get add into cart, and user will get popup to go for cart page or checkout page.
  • On the Cart page
    • The user can remove a product from the cart.

    • Able to Change the quantity of the product

    • Place the Order

  • On placing the Order, user will redirected to payment page
  • Once the payment is done user is will redirected to Home Page.


A glimpse of our website

  • On this page users can signup/sign-in based on whether the user is already registered or not.

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  • The landing page where users cans see various categories and subcategories along with offers and discounts.

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  • A complete detailed product page displays all the details regarding the product, here we have given the user an option to add to the cart option if he/she like to buy the product.

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  • Cart page has all the items that are added to the cart/bag by the user.

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  1. Shashi Ranjan
  2. Chhatrapal Ahirwar
  3. md. Arif
  4. chhavi srivastva
  5. Naquee Alam