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A new Flutter Module template project.

Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.

For instructions integrating Flutter modules to your existing applications, see the add-to-app documentation.

Branch name rule

  • master - flutter template release
  • develop - flutter template development
  • release
    • allowed branch name: release/{projectKey}/{majorVersion}.{minorVersion}.0
      • example: release/xxx/1.0.0
    • hotfix
      • allowed branch name: hotfix/{projectKey}/{majorVersion}.{minorVersion}.{patchVersionInMasterBranch+1}
      • example: hotfix/xxx/1.0.1
    • feature
      • allowed branch name: feature/{projectKey}/{storyOrBugOrDefectOrIncidentName}/{domainAccountName}
      • example: feature/xxx/add-flutter-to-android/nEdAy


  • master and developer branch have to be with infinite lifecycle
  • release branches could be multiple for different iteration
  • hotfix branches could be created after production incident occurred
  • master, develop, release and hotfix branches have to be protected
  • feature branches are temporary ones for developers

Unit Test

  • flutter test // Executing unit tests

  • flutter test --coverage // Generating coverage reports /coverage/Icov.info

  • SonarQube plugin for Flutter / Dart

  • Run analysis

    Use the following commands from the root folder to start an analysis:

    • Download dependencies
      • flutter pub get
    • Run tests
      • flutter test --machine > tests.output
    • Compute coverage (--machine and --coverage cannot be run at once...)
      • flutter test --coverage
    • Run the analysis and publish to the SonarQube server
      • sonar-scanner