
Primary LanguagePython

File Descriptions


The code for running the client.


The code for running the server.


Arguments for the client.


Arguments for the server.


Utilities that common for server and client. Includes: create packet, parse packet, checksum, and other useful functions.


Defines some constant values.

Commands Explanation


Follows the format of the project description - tcpserver file listening_port address_for_acks port_for_acks.

There are $4$ positional arguments must be assigned manually and it's mandatory:

  • file: The file path for writing the data.
  • listening_port: The port server is running on.
  • address_for_acks: The address for sending the ACKs.
  • port_for_acks: The port for sending the ACKs.

There are also $3$ optional arguments (need to use -- to assign them.)

  • max_seq_no: Maximum sequence number. Default is $2^{32} -1$.
  • max_data_size: Maximum data size for a segment. Default is $20$ (bytes).
  • window_size: Window size. Default is $100$.


Run the server on port 41194, and send the ACKs to localhost:41191. The maximum data size is $99$, maxmimum sequence number is $150$, and the window size is $100$.

python tcp_server.py output.txt 41194 localhost 41191 --max_data_size 99 --max_seq_no 150 --window_size 100


Follows the format of the project description - tcpclient file address_of_udpl port_number_of_udpl windowsize ack_port_number.

There are $5$ positional arguments must be assigned manually and it's mandatory:

  • file: The file path for reading the data.
  • address_of_udpl: The address of the newudpl service for sending packets to.
  • port_number_of_udpl: The port of the newudpl service for sending packets to.
  • windowsize: Window size.
  • ack_port_number: The client port for receiving the ACKs.

There are also $2$ optional arguments (need to use -- to assign them.)

  • max_seq_no: Maximum sequence number. Default is $2^{32} -1$.
  • max_data_size: Maximum data size for a segment. Default is $20$ (bytes).


Run the client on port 41191 , and send packets to localhost:41192. The maximum data size is $99$, maxmimum sequence number is $150$, and the window size is $100$.

python tcp_client.py hello.txt localhost 41192 100 41191 --max_data_size 99 --max_seq_no 150

* Important: The windowsize argument of the client should be equal to the window_size argument of the server, and the max_seq_no and the max_data_size of both server and client should be equal.


  • Any window size that is bigger than the data size is available.
  • This project take shortage of the sequence number into account that avoid the error when the sequence number exceeds the limit. It will be wrapped around.
  • The program can deal with any maximum data size of a segment.
  • Dynamic timeout. If timeout happens frequently at the client, it will increase the timeout time. Otherwise, it will shrink the timeout time to $1$ second.

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