
an easy and simple go-log package it supports Stdout、File、Mysql、ElasticSearch、Mongo

Primary LanguageGo


License Build Status


this is log package for golang
it support stdout, file, mysql or other Database to write
and auto rotate like this, default daily

|-- LogDir | Database  
|   |-- logfile_2020101000.log | table
|   |-- logfile_2020101100.log
|   |-- logfile_2020101200.log
|   |-- logfile_2020101300.log 
|   |-- logfile_2020101400.log

SPECIAL it has some cool stdout like this below

Image text

it`s so striking, emmmm, easy to debug your code
find the ERROR as soon as possible

To download the package, run:

go get github.com/chi-chu/log

Import it in your program as:

import "github.com/chi-chu/log"


  • Stdout (Default) :
    this log will print in the shell
    //this code will set the option if you like
    //  log.SetLevel(define.DEBUG),
    //  log.SetReportCaller(false),
    //  log.SetFormat(log.FORMAT_JSON),
    //  )

    log.Info("info test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
    log.Warn("warn test %s", "hahahahhaha")
    log.Error("error test %s", "hahahahhaha")
  • File :
    this log will be written in file
    and the file can be rotated by minute/ hour/ day/ week/ month/ year
    w, err := file.New("./LogDir/logfile.log")
    if err != nil {
        log.SetWriterAndRotate(w, true, log.ROTATE_DAY),
    log.Info("info test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
  • Mysql :
    • it will Default use Archive Engine to create table
    • Attention it ues gorm to drive database
      you should give struct detail like this
    type LogModel struct {
    	ID        	uint            `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"-"`
    	Func		string          `gorm:"size:128" json:"func"`
    	Line		string          `gorm:"size:64" json:"line"`
    	File		string          `gorm:"size:256" json:"file"`
    	Level		string          `gorm:"size:4" json:"level"`
    	Time		string          `json:"time"`
    	Msg	        string          `json:"msg"`
    cf := &mysql.Config{"root", "123456", "", 3306, "log"}
    dsn := cf.String()
    //or you can direct use the dsn url like
    //  root:password@tcp(
    w, err := mysql.New(dsn, "log", LogModel{})
    if err != nil {
        log.SetWriterAndRotate(w, true, log.ROTATE_DAY),
    log.Debug("info test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
  • Mongo
    require MongoDB 2.6 and higher.
    a := mongo.Config{"root","123456","localhost",0,"log"}
    // you can also use dsn to connect
    //dns := "mongodb://localhost:27017
    //dns := "mongodb://root:123456@localhost:27017/log?authSource=log" 
    w, err := mongo.New(a.String(), "log","testlog")
    if err != nil {
        log.SetWriterAndRotate(w, true, log.ROTATE_MINITE),
    log.Debug("debug test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
    log.Info("info test %s", "hahahahhaha")
  • ElasticSearch
    require ElasticSearch 7.x and higher.
    w, err := elasticsearch.New([]string{"", ""}, "log", 
        elasticsearch.SetBulk(true),  //use Bulk mode
    if err != nil {
        log.SetWriterAndRotate(w, false, log.ROTATE_DAY),
    log.Debug("debug test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
    log.Info("info test %s", "hahahahhaha")
    log.Warn("warn test %s", "hahahahhaha")
    // if you use  Bulk mode
    // when service is done, do not forget to exit()
    // otherwise  you may  lost some logs

other writer needs to be developing

Special function

  • hook
    // hook to add user-defined key value
    type hook struct {

    func(h *hook) Set(e *log.Entry) {
    	e.Data["heelow"] = "just show your time"
    	e.Data["findasf"] = "123144"
    	e.Data["8888"] = "8888"



if you have any problem
please contract me at 544625106@qq.com
welcome to join and perfect it