
PyTorch data loader that crops persons (with their body landmarks) from COCO dataset.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A PyTorch data loader class for on-the-fly cropping persons from COCO dataset, along with their body-landmarks annotations.


  • pytorch (version > 1.0)
  • opencv
  • cocoapi

An auxiliary visualization script is visualize_data.py, which can be run with various options (dataset split, dataset year version, cropped image dimensions, with/without augmentations) as shown below:

python visualize_data.py -h
usage: [-h] [-v] --dataset_root DATASET_ROOT [--year {2014,2017}] [--split {train,val}] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--dim {300,512}] [-a]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  --dataset_root DATASET_ROOT
                        set dataset root directory
  --year {2014,2017}    set COCO dataset year
  --split {train,val}   chose dataset's split (training/testing)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        set batch size
  --dim {300,512}       set input dimension
  -a, --augment         add augmentations (see data/augmentations.py)

Argument dataset_root should be set to the root directory of the dataset for the given version (year=2014 or year=2017). For instance, after downloading and extracting COCO 2017 dataset, its root directory should look as follows:

├── annotations
│   ├── instances_train2017.json
│   ├── instances_val2017.json
│   ├── person_keypoints_train2017.json
│   └── person_keypoints_val2017.json
└── images
    ├── test2017
    ├── train2017
    └── val2017

Some examples of cropped person images taken from COCO 2017 training subset and resized to 300x300 are shown below.