
Primary LanguageC

Qme (Queue me)

A simple and fast task queuing system

The basic approach is that a task can hold four states, which are INIT -> QUEUED -> RUNNING -> FINISHED

by submitting a task, it will enter the INIT state. The Queue deamon (openrc) immediately picks it up and changes the state to QUEUED. If the needed resources are available and the said task is next in line the task will enter the RUNNING state, with the associated execution of the task. When the execution is completed the task reaches the final FINISHED state.

(c) christoph irrenfried, chi86


foo@bar:~$ make -B
foo@bar:~$ sudo make install

Creates the spool environment

|─── info
|       Qme.log (general Qme logging file)
|       taskid  (id of last task)
|       version (verions file)
|─── init
|─── queued
|─── running
|─── finished

Init service

The init script will be copied automatically to:

|   Qme

Starting of init service

foo@bar:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/Qme start

Adding to runlevel

foo@bar:~$ sudo rc-update add Qme

Checking up on service

foo@bar:~$ /etc/init.d/Qme status


The systemd script needs to be copied to:

|   Qme.service

Starting the systemd service

foo@bar:~$ systemctl start Qme.service

Starting adding to runlevel

foo@bar:~$ systemctl enable Qme.service

Checking up on service

foo@bar:~$ systemctl status Qme.service



FLAG interpretation
-h Help (this!)
-Y run Queue
-X Demonize the Queue
-a submit add new task to queue
RANSrun Allrun.sh 1
-d delete task from queue
-l list all tasks


Startring a OpenFoam case

foo@bar:~$ Qme -a motorbike Allrun 6

Adding task to queue
Task id             : 0
Task name           : motorbike
Script              : Allrun
Current working dir : /home/foo/OpenFOAM/motorbike/
nproc               : 6
owner               : chi
env                 : TERM=xterm
env                 : USER=foo
env                 : HOME=/home/foo
env                 : SHELL=/bin/bash
env                 : LOGNAME=foo
env                 : PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin

Status of queued tasks (highlighted in fancy colors)

foo@bar:~$ Qme

Qme Version  0.9

    ID      pid            Name   Status   proc   Dt/min                      Date
    19        0           test2   queued      6        4  Tue Mar  2 13:57:08 2021
    21        0           test4   queued      6        4  Tue Mar  2 13:57:08 2021
    22        0           test5   queued      6        4  Tue Mar  2 13:57:08 2021
    18        0           test1   queued      6        4  Tue Mar  2 13:57:08 2021
    20        0           test3   queued      6        4  Tue Mar  2 13:57:08 2021
     7    20705       motorbike  running      6       17  Tue Mar  2 13:43:39 2021
    13    23574           test1  running      6        0  Tue Mar  2 14:00:52 2021


  • version 1.0: Basic functions
  • version 2.0: Bugfix, extended functionality