Primary LanguageTSQL

DBD Compulsory Assignment #1

Practical Info

The master branch contains the solutions to the exercises 1, 2 and 3. The initial stored procedures are defined in CreateStoredProcedures.sql and the application is in Main.java. To complete exercise 3, I added another script (AddCalculatedColumn.sql) which creates the EmpCount column in Departments and changes the stored procedures accordingly.

public static void main(String[] args) {
        // ...
        String dbURL = "jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName];databaseName=Company;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true;";
        // ...
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, "[username]", "[password]");

You will need to change the connection to be able to run the app.

Reflections on my work

I think there are some things I could have done better!

I could have run the SQL scripts from the application at startup instead of manually running them with the IDE.

I also think that the solution I have for the third exercise could be improved.

    @DNumber INT,
    @EmpCount INT OUTPUT
) AS
    SET @EmpCount = (
        SELECT COUNT(*) AS EmpCount
        FROM Department
             INNER JOIN Employee ON Department.DNumber = Employee.Dno
        WHERE Department.DNumber = @DNumber

I decided to create a new stored procedure to fetch the EmpCount value for one department but it is only executed within other stored procedures so it could have been a function instead of a stored procedure.

And worst of all, it is not executed after a trigger occurs, which would have been ideal since the EmpCount is mostly dependent on changes that happen to the Employee table, not the department table.

Other than this, I think the rest of the solutions are okay. 😀

Chiara Visca (chivis01)