
Movie Trailer Website project for Udacity Nanodegree program

Primary LanguagePython

Udacity Movie Trailer Site

Movie Trailer Website project for Udacity Nanodegree program

The project was to create a website that played the trailers of some of my favorite movies.

Repository includes

  1. fresh_tomatoes.py: Module provided by Udacity to generate website, [link here] (https://github.com/adarsh0806/ud036_StarterCode/blob/master/fresh_tomatoes.py). I edited it to also show a film's brief summary upon mouseover of the poster art.

  2. movies.py: Python file that creates a class to store my favorite movies, their posters, a brief summary and link to their trailer on youtube.

  3. trailer_page.py: Python file that imports movies.py and fresh_tomatoes.py. Creates multiple instances of the Movie class and stores them in a list. Calls open_movies_page() from fresh_tomatoes to generate website.

  4. fresh_tomatoes.html: website generated by calling trailer_page.py

** Running trailer_page.py will generate and load the website in a new tab in your default browser. **