This is a repository for the Course Project for the Coursera online class "Getting and Cleaning Data"
This project uses raw data provided by the University of California Irvine's Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems. ( Data was collected from subjects performing a variety of activities while wearing Samsung Galaxy smartphones equipped with accelerometers. More details regarding the data can be found in the codebook in this same respository.
There is a script in the repository titled "run_analysis.R". The script merges the raw data into a cohesive data frame, selects only the mean and standard deviation data and then results in a data frame of averages for said data by activity and subject. The script assumes the raw data has already been downloaed. The raw data can be found in a zip file here, it must be unzipped for the script to work.
The script makes use of the pacakge "dplyr". It loads the package but does not install the package.