
Predictive maintenance using the attention based deep learning model in python.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The ability to predict the remaining useful life (RUL) of a machine plays an important role in the safety and competency of the industrial system. In this project, a deep learning model based on the attention mechanism (Vaswani et al., 2017) was developed to predict the RUL based on the time series machine degradation data.

Table of Contents

Prepare Environments

The codes were tested and ran on Ubuntu 18.04 using python 3.7.5. Create and set up a python environment by running the following command in the terminal

# install the gpu version if there is compatible NVIDIA GPU
source ./create_env_gpu

# else install the cpu version
source ./create_env_cpu

then the environment can be activated by

source ./activate

It is important to activate the environment before carry out any process discussed below.

About Data

The publicly available data: NASA's turbodan engine degradation simulation data set was used in the experiments. This dataset consists of four sub-datasets with different operation settings and fault conditions. Each sub-dataset consists of simulated aero turbofan engines run-to-failure data with each engine having 24 sensors. The raw data is already provided in this repo and can be accessed by

from srcs import dataset

data_dir = 'data/CMAPSSData'
data = dataset.TurbofanData(data_dir)

# to get the raw dataframes of a sub-dataset
# generally, df = data['FD_00x']['df_train']
train_df1 = data['FD_001']['df_train']  # dataframe from the train_FD001.txt
test_df2 = data['FD_002']['df_test']  # dataframe from the test_FD002.txt
rul_df3 = data['FD_003']['df_RUL']  # dataframe from the RUL_FD003.txt
train_df4, test_df4, rul_df4 = data['FD_004'].values()  # return the 3 dataframes related to FD004

# preprocess data
data.preprocess(drop_cols=['sensor_16', 'sensor_19', 'sensor_22', 'sensor_23'],  # list of column names to drop
                normalize=True,  # set True to normalize data using Min-Max scaler
                clip_RUL=100)  # clip the maximum of the RUL to 100

# split training and validation data sets
data.split_train_val(train_p=3 / 4)  # randomly pick 3/4 of the unit numbers to be training set,
                                     # the rest would be the validation set

# generate time series arrays for model training and evaluation
arrays = data.arrays_for_regression(window_size=30)
train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, val_x, val_y = arrays
# *_x are the sequences of multivariate time series sensor readings with shape (N*, 30, 22)
# *_y are the sequences of RULs with shape (N*, )
# where N* is the number of examples in the training, testing or validation sets.

Jupyter Notebooks

There are some notebooks in this repo for data exploratory analysis. Open and execute them by running the following terminal command in the root of the repo

jupyter notebook

Experiment Results

Performance metrics of the attention models with different number of attention layers:

Number of Attention layer MAE RMSE
1 7.33 11.45
2 6.66 10.78
3 7.76 11.41

Performance metrics of the attention models (2 attention layers) with different window sizes:

Window Size MAE RMSE
15 7.68 12.43
30 6.66 10.78
45 6.63 10.69

Comparison of the model performances:

CNN+LSTM [1] 10.20 14.30
GRU [3] 6.01 10.34
Attention 6.66 10.78

The experiment results were recorded using MLflow, which can be accessed by running the command in the terminal

mlflow ui

Types of Model

There are several models provided in this project, for example:

Note that every model requires a dictionary of condigurations in order to instantiate a model instance.

args = {
    'window_size': 30,  # size of the scanning window
    'feature_dim': 22,  # number of sensors being used
#     'hidden_layers': ...,  # will be discussed in model explaination
    'fully_connected_layers': [128, 1],  # number of neurons in the dense layers,
                                         # the last number should always be 1
    'global_pool': 'max',  # global pooling, options='max', 'mean', None
    'dropout_rate': 0.1,  # probability for each neoruon to be dropped out 
    'batch_normalization': True,  # set True to enable batch normalization
    'batch_size': 512,  # number of example per batch
    'epochs': 50,  # number of iterations
    'eval_per_epoch': 5,  # number of iterations per evaluation
    'learning_rate_decay': 0.01,  # decay rate for the learning rate in each new iteration


Attention based predictive maintenance model.

from srcs.keras_models import AttentionModel

args = {
    ...,  # use the examples above
    'hidden_layers': [[4, 32, 50], [4, 32, 50]]
    # this means the model consists of two attention layers,
    # where the first layer contains 4 attention heads, size per head=32 and 50 feed forward units
    # and the second layer also contains 4 attention heads, size per head=32 and 50 feed forward units
pdm_model = AttentionModel(task='regression', args=args)


GRU based predictive maintenance model.

from srcs.keras_models import GRUModel

args = {
    ...,  # use the examples above
    'hidden_layers': [100]
    # this means the model consists of one GRU layer with 100 hidden units
pdm_model = GRUModel(task='regression', args=args)


GRU based (GPU parallelized) predictive maintenance model. This model uses the same algorithm as the GRUModel however this model enables better GPU parralelization. Hence a gpu is required for this model, please use the GRUModel if no gpu available.

from srcs.keras_models import CuDNNGRUModel

args = {
    ...,  # use the examples above
    'hidden_layers': [100]
    # this means the model consists of one GRU layer with 100 hidden units
pdm_model = CuDNNGRUModel(task='regression', args=args)

How to Train a Model

Assume we already have a dictionary of configurations defined as args and we want to train an attention model, then

from srcs import dataset
from srcs.keras_models import AttentionModel

# experiment and model settings
args = {...}

# load and preprocess data
data = dataset.TurbofanData('data/CMAPSSData')
data.split_train_val(3 / 4)
arrays = data.arrays_for_regression(args['window_size'])
train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, val_x, val_y = arrays

# instantiate model instance
pdm_model = AttentionModel(task='regression', args=args)
# start the training process
pdm_model.train(train=[train_x, train_y],
                val=[val_x, val_y],

Upon finish model training, a model file regression_xxxxxxxxxxxx.h5 will be saved into the ./models folder. In addition, the script train.py illustrates the example to train model and record the experiment using MLflow.

# run the example training script in the root of repo
python3 srcs/train.py

How to Test a Model

Once a model is trained, we can evaluate the model by picking a model checkpoint then

model_dir = 'models/attention/regression_xxxxxxxxxxxx.h5'  # eg. trained attention model

# load the trained model
pdm_model = AttentionModel(task='regression', load_from=model_dir)

# model evaluation using test data loaded in the previous section
loss, mae, rmse = pdm_model.test(test_x, test_y)
print(f'Test loss: {loss} - Test MAE: {mae} - Test RMSE: {rmse}')


[1] Pektas, A., & Pektas, E. (2018). A novel scheme for accurate remaining useful life prediction for industrial IoTs by using deep neural network. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJAIA), 9(5), 17-25.

[2] Saxena, A., & Goebel, K. (2008). Prognostics Center - Data Repository. Retrieved from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): https://ti.arc.nasa.gov/tech/dash/groups/pcoe/prognostic-data-repository/

[3] Suursalu, S. (2017). Predictive maintenance using machine learning methods in petrochemical refineries. (Unpublished master's thesis). Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.

[4] Vaswani, A., Shazeer, N., Parmar, N., Uszkoreit, J., Jones, L., Gomez, A. N., Kaiser, L., & Polosukhin, I. (2017). Attention is all you need. 31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017), (pp. 6000-6010). Long Beach, CA, USA.