It's an online game website created by the well-known board game Saboteur. All game rules are according to the original version. Besides, the website supports RWD (Responsive Web Design), so you can play on any mobile device. If you want to play, you can directly navigate to, or we also provide a docker version that can deploy on the local server.
You can generate from
About more Django SECRET_KEY information (django docs).
We suggest you use docker-compose
version setup your local server, it's simply and clean, or if you want go on develop more feature, you can setup node.js + django + db + redis
Export environment variable or add
Please prepare the docker-compose and docker environment first.
docker-compose build --no-cache
Use the node.js package manager yarn to install react.js and other frontend requirements.
# if you don't have installed yarn install it first brew install yarn # or npm install yarn --g cd mysite/frontend/ yarn install
Use the package manager pip to install Django and other backend requirements.
cd mysite/ pip install -r requirements.txt
Because of Django need database, so you need to prepare database and redis in your environment, you can just start docker-compose redis and Postgres service,
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD='SET_YOUR_OWN_DATABASE_PASSWORD_HERE' # or you can add in .env docker-compose up -d db redis
then add
.# mysite/mysite/settings/ import os os.environ['SECRET_KEY'] = 'PUT_YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE' os.environ['POSTGRES_PASSWORD'] = 'SET_YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD_HERE' from .base import * # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True # Channels ASGI_APPLICATION = 'mysite.asgi.application' CHANNEL_LAYERS = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer', 'CONFIG': { "hosts": [('localhost', 6379)], # edit your redis service host and port here }, }, } # Database # # Edit following field to fit your database setting DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'postgres', 'USER': 'postgres', 'PASSWORD': str(os.environ['POSTGRES_PASSWORD']), 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': 5432, } }
Or if you have own database and redis server, you need to edit your setting in Django settings file to connect you database servers.
Django database setting:
Redis channel layer setting:
# mysite/mysite/settings/ # Channels ASGI_APPLICATION = 'mysite.asgi.application' CHANNEL_LAYERS = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer', 'CONFIG': { "hosts": [('redis', 6379)], # edit your redis service host and port here }, }, } # Database # # Edit following field to fit your database setting DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'postgres', 'USER': 'postgres', 'PASSWORD': str(os.environ['POSTGRES_PASSWORD']), 'HOST': 'db', 'PORT': 5432, } }
Start docker-compose services up, then open your browser to view website http://localhost/.
docker-compose up -d
Start react and django server then open your browser to view website http://localhost:3000/.
cd mysite/
# first run need to initial database
python makemigrations --settings=mysite.settings.local_settings
python migrate --settings=mysite.settings.local_settings
# runserver
python runserver --settings=mysite.settings.local_settings
cd mysite/frontend/
yarn start
├── .env # environment variables
├── # docker-compose github action setting
├── docker-compose.override.yml # docker-compose localhost setting
├── # docker-compose production setting
├── docker-compose.yml # docker-compose base setting
├── mysite/ # Django project (backend) files
│ ├── Dockerfile # Docker general setting
│ ├── # Docker github action setting
│ ├── # Docker production setting
│ ├── authentication/ # account django app files
│ ├── frontend/ # react project (frontend) files
│ ├── game/ # game django app files
│ ├── # django manage execution file
│ ├── mysite/ # django project and setting files
│ ├── requirements.txt # backend packages requirements
│ └── saboteur/ # saboteur package (GameController, Card, Player...)
└── nginx/ # nginx files
├── Dockerfile # Docker general setting
├── # Docker production setting
├── my_nginx.conf # nginx production configuration
├── my_nginx_local.conf # nginx localhost configuration
└── nginx.conf # nginx configuration
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
This repository is a team project work in OOAD class taught by Prof. Chun-Han Lin.
- National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)(國立臺灣師範大學)
- Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) (資訊工程學系)
- Course Name: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) (物件導向分析與設計)
- Course Semester: 2021 Spring
- Instructor: Chun-Han Lin (林均翰)
- More course information
This project is a digital version of the well-known board game Saboteur, so all the copyrights of the game content belong to the game company. Therefore, we do not recommend that you use it for a commercial profit. In this project, we used it for academic reference only.