
Download manager for Chia Factory orders.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is the recommended way to download Chia Factory orders. It's based on Chia Factory API.

Chia Factory can generate Chia plots in the cloud for farming XCH.


  • Blake2 checksums on every 10GB plot chunk to avoid data corruption while downloading
  • Multiple plot directories and will populate them automatically depending on spare space
  • Parallel downloads to maximise your bandwidth
  • Resuming downloads
  • Binaries for most OSes to get you going ASAP.


The recommended way to use plotorder is to download the latest release binaries.

Linux and macOS

./plotorder --api-key YOUR_API_KEY --order-id ORDER_ID


Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -FilePath "plotorder.exe" -ArgumentList "--api-key YOUR_API_KEY","--order-id ORDER_ID"


You can find all the binaries here

Binaries are published for Windows, Darwin (macOS, OSX...) and Linux based operating systems with 64bit architectures.

For simplicity, you can use any of the following snippets to do it, which will create a plotorder executable binary in your current working directory.

Linux (amd64)

curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/chiafactory/plotorder/releases/latest | grep "browser_download_url.*plotorder-linux-amd64" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | xargs curl -Ls --output plotorder && chmod +x plotorder

Linux (arm64)

curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/chiafactory/plotorder/releases/latest | grep "browser_download_url.*plotorder-linux-arm64" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | xargs curl -Ls --output plotorder && chmod +x plotorder

macOS (Intel)

curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/chiafactory/plotorder/releases/latest | grep "browser_download_url.*plotorder-darwin-amd64" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | xargs curl -Ls --output plotorder && chmod +x plotorder

macOS (Apple Silicon)

curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/chiafactory/plotorder/releases/latest | grep "browser_download_url.*plotorder-darwin-arm64" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | xargs curl -Ls --output plotorder && chmod +x plotorder

Windows (powershell)

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $((((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri https://api.github.com/repos/chiafactory/plotorder/releases/latest').Content | ConvertFrom-Json).assets.browser_download_url | select-string -Pattern 'plotorder-windows-amd64').Line) -OutFile plotorder.exe


Below is a list of all the avaialable arguments.

Name Required Description Default
--api-key yes your personal https://chiafactory.com API key N/A
--order-id yes the id of the order you want to process plots for N/A
--api-url no the URL of Chiafactory's API https://chiafactory.com/api/v1
--logs-dir no the directory to store logs logs/ in working directory
--plot-dir no the directory to download plots (multiple allowed) plots/ in working directory
--plot-check-frequency no the time between checks on an order's plots 5s
--max-downloads no maximum number of downloads in parallel 0 (unlimited)
--config no config file to use N/A
--verbose no enables verbose logging (DEBUG level) false

A sample config file is included in this repo (config.example.ini). You can use the config file instead of providing the CLI arguments above. CLI arguments will override matching config file values (except for order-id, config and verbose )

You can interrupt the download process at any point in time and plotorder will shutdown gracefully. You can then resume downloading by running plotorder with the same arguments and/or config file (specially, the same order-id and plot-dir).

Support for multiple download locations

You can provide --plot-dir multiple times (for instance, if you have multiple drives mounted). plotorder will try to fill all the provided directories with the downloaded plot files. If there's not enough space in a given directory, plotorder will skip to the next, until it finds a valid one.

There's an exception to this rule though: if a plot file has been partially downloaded to a specific directory, plotorder will always choose the same directory, so the file download resumes.

If there's not enough space to download all the plots (the published ones), plotorder will exit.


By default, logs are stored under plots/ in the working directory. You can specify a different path using --logs-dir. Logs will be auto-rotated when they reach 256MB. Old log files are compressed and retained for 30 days.


You can also build plotorder for other OS/arch very easily. Check out the Makefile for examples (see this for available OS/arch compile targets)