##Environment: Linux with BLAS, LAPACK installed
##Package dependency:
- Armadillo C++ linear algebra library
##How to compile: cd src sh compile.sh
##How to run:
Before training, use the following to merge data and label, if label is not
0N, please supply out_map to save the mapping of string label to numeric
script/merge_data_label.py train.ark train.lab new_train.ark [out_map]
Each epoch will save the model to output_model, if load_model supplied, will load that model first and start training.
bin/train learning_rate(0.01) batch_size(10) structure(5-4-3) max_epoch(100) new_train.ark output_model [load_model]
if the .ark has answer(new_train.ark) has_answer=1, if not(test.ark)
bin/predict test_file model_name raw_result has_answer(1/0)
##For Kaggle Sumission 48_phone->39_phone
map_phone_label.py raw_result final_result out_map 48-39.map
map_state_label.py raw_result final_result state-48-39.map
Upload final_result