
This is the final project of the course - Information Retrieval in NTU CSIE.

Primary LanguageJava


  1. CKIPClient/ A client program written by NTNU (http://tm.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/CNLP/?q=node/6) to send request to the Chinese tokenizer server written by Sinica (http://ckipsvr.iis.sinica.edu.tw/)

    usage: sh run.sh input_dir output_dir input_dir - contain raw chinese text files (Must be in Big5 or utf-16) output_dir - the tokenized texts

  2. CKIPClient.php PHP client to send requests to tokenizer (https://github.com/fukuball/CKIPClient-PHP)

    usage: $raw_text = "Chinese texts..." $return_text = $ckip_client_obj->send($raw_text); $return_sentences = $ckip_client_obj->getSentence(); $return_terms = $ckip_client_obj->getTerm();

    output: $return_text - raw text $return_sentences Array ( [0] => 獨立(Vi) 音樂(N) 需要(Vt) 大家(N) 一起(ADV) 來(ADV) 推廣(Vt) ,(COMMACATEGORY) [1] => 歡迎(Vt) 加入(Vt) 我們(N) 的(T) 行列(N) !(EXCLAMATIONCATEGORY) ) $return_terms Array ( [0] => Array ( [term] => 獨立 [tag] => Vi ) ...

  3. utf82big5.py Articles download using getPTTBoard.py are utf-8, but the tokenizer eats Big5, so convert them to Big5 using utf82big5.py

  4. getPTTBoard.py get posts of a PTT Board from https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/index.html

    usage: ./getPTTBoard.py board_name index_page_num1 index_page_num2 output_dir (it will get pages from index index_page_num1 to index_page_num2)