
A barebones API using koa, bookshelf, postgres, mocha

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Dependency Status

A barebones API using koa, bookshelf, postgres, mocha


  • node >= 0.11.16 OR iojs >= 1.0.0
  • postgresql





koa-api comes equipped with a several generators to speed up development:

Model Generator

./bin/generate model User

This will create a new User model (referencing a users table) named user.js in the src/models directory.

This will also create an empty migration named <timestamp>_create_users.js in the src/db/migrate directory.

Controller Generator

./bin/generate controller users

This will create a new RESTful controller named users in the src/controllers directory.

The controller contains index, show, create, update, and destroy methods, as well as their routes.

Migration Generator

./bin/generate migration create_users

This will create a new migration named <timestamp>_create_users.js in src/db/migrate directory.

Scaffold Generator

./bin/generate scaffold User

This will run the model, migration and controller generators for a new User model.


foreman -f Procfile.local

NOTE: It's a lot quicker if you alias f=foreman -f Procfile.local in your bashrc or zshrc


Environment-specific files are located in src/config/environments.

For example, development config merges environments/development.js into environments/all.js.

You can also set personal config by creating a config file ending in .local.js, like development.local.js.

It is recommended to use environment variables for configuration. Locally, you can store your environment variables in the .env file - this file should not be committed or used in any environment but development or test.