Error on running provided jupyter notebooks in the repo
MadFisa opened this issue · 3 comments
I was trying to run the jupyter notebooks in the repo, I am running into some issues while using it. In particular, trying to run fe_13_demo_make_model notebooks, while running
box = mdl.maker(specData, wghtFactor = 0.2, ionList=['fe_13'], verbose = True)
I get an error asking for temperature as an argument. I managed to run it by passing a temperature as an argument. But, on running the line
box.gofnt(temp, dens, verbose=True)
I am getting another error,
"AttributeError: 'maker' object has no attribute 'match'"
Here is the whole error in detail,
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_30471/ in <module>
----> 1 box.gofnt(temp, dens, verbose=True)
~/adnocana/aed/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ChiantiPy/model/ in gofnt(self, temperature, density, verbose)
538 print(' density size: %5i'%(self.EDensity.size))
539 ionList = []
--> 540 for iwvl, amatch in enumerate(self.match):
541 for someIon in amatch['ion']:
542 # print 'someIon = ', someIon
AttributeError: 'maker' object has no attribute 'match'
I am assuming that there has been changes to code after the notebooks were made. How can I correct this error?
I would like fit a spectrum created by chiantiPy to a spectrum data I have and the Maker module seems to have some capabilities in this regard. So far the only place I could find examples for the use of ChiantiPy.Maker module is in those notebooks. Is there other places where I could find example codes?
Here is the first line I got the error along with error message:
box = mdl.maker(specData, wghtFactor = 0.2, ionList=['fe_13'], verbose = True)
with the error
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument : 'specData'
I got it to run by editing it as following
box = mdl.maker(temperature = 1.78e6, specData=specData, wghtFactor = 0.2, ionList=['fe_13'], verbose = True)
That will be very much appreciated, Thank you. The 'fixed' version of the current notebooks should be sufficient, I believe, unless there are more capabilities added to the module that you would like to show.
Putting some examples in the docs showing the capabilities of the module will be helpful for anyone looking into it, since current documentation has nearly no info apart from the api documentation.
I have updated the README.txt file.
A basic notebook that needs to be run first is 1_fe_13_demo_make_match.ipynb
I am in the process of updating the others