MAT-Builder: a System to Build Semantically Enriched Trajectories

The notion of multiple aspect trajectory (MAT) has been recently introduced in the literature to represent movement data that is heavily semantically enriched with dimensions (aspects) representing various types of semantic information (e.g., stops, moves, weather, traffic, events, and points of interest). Aspects may be large in number, heterogeneous, or structurally complex. Although there is a growing volume of literature addressing the modelling and analysis of multiple aspect tra- jectories, the community suffers from a general lack of publicly available datasets. This is due to privacy concerns that make it difficult to publish such type of data, and to the lack of tools that are capable of linking raw spatio-temporal data to different types of semantic contextual data. In this work we aim to address this last issue by presenting MAT-Builder, a system that not only supports users during the whole semantic enrichment process, but also allows the use of a variety of external data sources. Furthermore, MAT-Builder has been designed with modularity and extensibility in mind, thus enabling practitioners to easily add new functionalities to the system and set up their own semantic enrichment processes.

Installation procedure

MAT-Builder consists of a set of Python scripts (plus a set of additional assets) which make exclusively use of open-source libraries. In the following we illustrate the installation procedure needed to execute MAT-Builder. The installation procedure has been tested on Windows 10, Ubuntu (version > 20.x), and macOS.

  1. The first step requires installing a Python distribution that includes a package manager. To this end we recommend installing Anaconda, a cross-platform Python package manager and environment-management system which satisfies the above criteria.

  2. Once Anaconda has been installed, the next step requires to set up a virtual environment containing the open-source libraries that MAT-Builder requires during its execution. To this end we provide a YAML file, mat_builder.yml, that can be used to set the environment up. More precisely, the user must first open an Anaconda powershell prompt. Then, the user must type in the prompt conda env create -f path\mat_builder.yml -n name_environment, where path represents the path in which mat_builder.yml is located, while name_environment represents the name the user wants to assign to the virtual environment.

  3. Once the environment has been created, the user must activate it in the prompt by typing conda activate name_environment. The user will be now able to execute and use MAT-Builder.


  • For an example on how to use MAT-Builder via a graphical interface, run The script also shows how different interactive semantic enrichment processes can be easily instantiated.
  • To use MAT-Builder via the command line interface run the script
  • To use the modules provided with MAT-Builderas API services, please execute the script, which sets up the API services associated with the modules, and subsequently the script examples_api_request, which uses the aforementioned services via API requests.

MAT-building pipeline and modules

MAT-Builder revolves around the notion of MAT-building pipeline, which is a semantic enrichment process orchestrated conducted according to a sequence of steps. Each step represents a specific macro-task and is implemented via a module that extends the InteractiveModuleInterface abstract class. Currently, there are three interactive modules that have been included in MAT-Builder's current version: InteractivePreprocessing, InteractiveSegmentation, and InteractiveEnrichment. To see how the modules can be used to set up a MAT-building pipeline please see the script For more detailed information on the modules included with MAT-Builder, see the within the core folder.

The InteractivePreprocessing module provides a graphical interface to the Preprocessing module. It takes in input a dataset of raw trajectories and let users:

  • remove outliers
  • remove trajectories with few points
  • compress trajectories

The InteractivePreprocessing requires the raw trajectory dataset to be stored in a pandas DataFrame, stored in the Parquet format, and have the following columns:

  • traj_id: trajectory ID (string)
  • user: user ID (integer)
  • lat: latitude of a trajectory sample (float)
  • lon: longitude of a trajectory sample (float)
  • time: timestamp of a sample (datetime64)

For viable examples of raw trajectory datasets, please see the dataset folder.

The InteractiveSegmentation module provides a graphical interface to the Segmentation module. It takes in input a set of preprocessed trajectories, and segments each trajectory into stop and move segments.

The InteractiveEnrichment module provides a graphical interface to the Enrichment module. The InteractiveEnrichment module takes in input the preprocessed trajectories, as well as their stop and move segments, and enriches trajectories and trajectory users with aspects (or semantic dimensions). The aspects currently supported by the module are as follows:

  • Regularity: stop segments are categorized into:

    • systematic stops: stops that fall in the same area more than a given number of times. They are augmented with the labels Home, Work or Other.
    • occasional stops: stops that are not systematic.

    Both occasional and systematic stops are augmented with the nearest POIs. The POI dataset used to augment the stops can either be downloaded from OpenStreetMap (not recommended, this operation might be quite slow), or supplied via a local file. In the latter case, the POI dataset must be stored in a GeoDataFrame, according to the Parquet format, and must have the following columns:

    • osmid: POI OSM identifier (integer)
    • element_type: POI OSM element type (string)
    • name: POI native name (string)
    • name:en: POI English name (string)
    • wikidata: POI WikiData identifier (string)
    • geometry: POI geometry (GeoPandas geometry object)
    • category: POI category (string)

    For viable examples of POI datasets, please have a look at the datasets in the datasets folder. See also the misc folder for a notebook that contains an example on how to generate a POI dataset from OpenStreetMap data for MAT-Builder.

  • Move: trajectories are enriched with the move segments. The segments can also be augmented with the transportation mean probably used.

  • Weather: trajectories are enriched with weather conditions. Such information must be provided via a pandas DataFrame in the form of daily weather conditions, stored according to the Parquet format, and must have the following columns:

    • DATE: date in which the weather observation was recorded (string or datetime64).
    • TAVG_C: average temperature in celsius (float).
    • DESCRIPTION: weather conditions (string).

    For viable examples of weather conditions datasets, please look at the datasets in the datasets folder. See also the misc folder for a notebook that contains an example on how to generate a weather dataset from Meteostat data for MAT-Builder.

  • Social media : trajectory users are enriched with their social media posts. Social media data must be provided via a pandas DataFrame stored according to the Parquet format and must have the following columns:

    • tweet_ID: ID of the tweet (integer)
    • text: post text (string)
    • tweet_created: timestamp of the tweet (datetime64)
    • uid: identifier of the user who posted the tweet.

    For a viable example of a social media dataset, please look at the datasets in the datasets folder.


For more details, please see the in the datasets folder.

Citing us

If you use MAT-Builder, please cite the following papers:

F. Lettich, C. Pugliese, C. Renso and F. Pinelli, "Semantic Enrichment of Mobility Data: A Comprehensive Methodology and the MAT-BUILDER System," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 90857-90875, 2023.

  author={Lettich, Francesco and Pugliese, Chiara and Renso, Chiara and Pinelli, Fabio},
  journal={IEEE Access}, 
  title={Semantic Enrichment of Mobility Data: A Comprehensive Methodology and the MAT-BUILDER System}, 

Lettich, F., Pugliese, C., Renso, C. and Pinelli, F., 2023, March. A general methodology for building multiple aspect trajectories. In Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 515-517).

  title={A general methodology for building multiple aspect trajectories},
  author={Lettich, Francesco and Pugliese, Chiara and Renso, Chiara and Pinelli, Fabio},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing},

C. Pugliese, F. Lettich, C. Renso, F. Pinelli, Mat-builder: a system to build semantically enriched trajectories. In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, Cyprus, 2022

title={Mat-builder: a system to build semantically enriched trajectories},
author={Pugliese, Chiara and Lettich, Francesco and Renso, Chiara and Pinelli, Fabio},
booktitle={2022 23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM)},