Python nrf52 OTA BLE

This is a python program to perform a Device Firmware Update over BLE on nRF52832 devices. It has been developed on Linux 14.04. The target device should have SDK version 11 and must have a working DFU service.


This project depends by several modules:

  • bluepy sudo apt-get install python-pip libglib2.0-dev sudo pip install bluepy

  • nrfutil (version 0.5.2) sudo pip install --pre nrfutil==0.5.2

  • pyqt4 sudo apt-get install python-qt4


Launch the program with the following command:

sudo python

"sudo" is needed to scan BLE devices.

  • Select a file to be uploaded by pressing the "Select File" button. The file can be a .bin (or .hex) together with .dat, a .zip (containing the bin and dat files), just an .hex file or just a .bin file (nrfutil will be used to generate the .dat file in the latest cases).
  • Scan the BLE devices (the blank field below the scan button will be filled with the found devices).
  • Select a device from the list: ota programming will start immediately.