
Book finder - final project from the JavaScript Advanced course on the online course provider Start2Impact.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book Finder

This is the final project from the JavaScript Advanced course on the online course provider Start2Impact, where I'm studying front-end development.



Book finder website preview

Book finder website preview with search results


Users should be able to:

  • Type a subject in the search field and see a list of books related to that subject with their titles and authors
  • Click or tap on the expand button to expand the book element and see the cover and description of the book

The website uses the Open Library API and Axios to fetch the data.
I used Webpack to bundle the files.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties and media queries
  • JavaScript
  • Sass
  • Axios
  • Lodash
  • Webpack


Chiara Stefanelli - Front-End Development Student based in Italy