
Tensorflow implementation of an LSTM-based model for human activity anticipation

Primary LanguagePython

Activity Anticipation

Human activity anticipation from videos using an LSTM-based model. problem statement


  • Python
  • NumPy
  • Tensorflow 1.0
  • scikit-image
  • Matplotlib


Extract features from each frame with a CNN and pass the sequence to an LSTM, in a separate network. model


I use the TV Human Interactions (TVHI) dataset. The dataset consists of people performing four different actions: hand shake, high five, hug, and kiss, with a total of 200 videos (excluding the clips that don't contain any of the interactions).

Please extract the above files and store the videos inside the ./videos directory, annotations inside the ./annotations directory.

For the CNN, I use Inception V3, pre-trained on ImageNet.

Extract the compressed file and put inception_v3.ckpt into the ./inception_checkpoint directory.


First, extract features from the frames before the annotated action begins in each video:

$ python preprocessing.py

Then, generate the train_file.csv file containing the ground_truth label information of the dataset:

$ python generate\_video\_mapping.py

To train the model with default parameters:

$ python train.py


Activity # of training data # of augmented training data # of validation data
hand shake 27 315 20
high five 30 320 20
hug 30 362 20
kiss 28 293 20

Train the model for 15 epochs.

loss accuracy

Related works

  • C. Vondrick, H. Pirsiavash, and A. Torralba. Anticipating Visual Representations from Unlabeled Video. In CVPR, 2016.
  • A. Jain, A. Singh, H. S. Koppula, S. Soh, and A. Saxena. Recurrent Neural Networks for Driver Activity Anticipation via Sensory-Fusion Architecture. In ICRA, 2016.