
Ozioma for PHP library helps to make API calls to Ozioma Cloud Messaging and Communications Platform birthday contact and sms newsletter subscription.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Latest Version on Packagist Software License Total Downloads

A PHP API wrapper for Ozioma.



  • Curl 7.34.0 or more recent (Unless using Guzzle)
  • PHP 5.4.0 or more recent
  • OpenSSL v1.0.1 or more recent


Via Composer

    $ composer require chibex/ozioma-php

Via download

Download a release version from the releases page. Extract, then:

    require 'path/to/src/autoload.php';


This is the first implementation of Ozioma API version 2.


Instantiate Ozioma class and pass you ACCESS-KEY as an argument to the construct. Then you can can start calling resource methods to fulfill your requests

0. Prerequisites

Confirm that your server can conclude a TLSv1.2 connection to Ozioma's servers. Most up-to-date software have this capability. Contact your service provider for guidance if you have any SSL errors.

1. Initiate sending message

When you submit message for sending our server queue's the message for delivery and after delivery your callback url is called to notify your system/website that your message has been sent.

    $ozioma = new Chibex\Ozioma(ACCESS-KEY);
        $response = $ozioma->message->send(['sender' => 'php lib',
                                        'message' => 'it is awesome',
                                        'recipients' => '23470xxxxxxxx',
                                        'use_corporate_route' => true, // [true or false]
                                        'callback_url' => 'http://your-website/your-callback-url',  

    } catch(\Chibex\Ozioma\Exception\ApiException $e){

send method parameters

  • sender is your custom name/title for your message and is should not exceed 11 characters (space is also counted as character)
  • recipients is the phone number(s) you are sending message to
  • message is the content you want to send to your recipient(s)
  • use_corporate_route cant either be true or false. Value 'true' means that you want your message delivers to Do-Not-disturb (DND) numbers for countries that has dnd policy
  • callback_url When you submit message for sending our server queue's the message for delivery and after delivery your callback url is called to notify your system/website that your message has been sent. Then you can use the message id passed as query string to retrieve delivery details. This parameter is optional in case you don't want to receive callback

2. Scheduling message

Most of the parameter are the same with send method above. Before scheduling message you need to include time_zone_id, call $ozioma->timezone->list(); for the list of time zones and their ids.

    $ozioma = new Chibex\Ozioma(ACCESS-KEY);
        $response = $ozioma->message->schedule(['sender' => 'php lib',
                                    'message' => 'it is awesome',
                                    'recipients' => '23470xxxxxxxx',
                                    'use_corporate_route' => true,
                                    'callback_url' => 'http://your-website/your-callback-url',
                                    'extras' => [[
                                        'deliver_at' => '2019-07-23 10:10',
                                        'time_zone_id' => 2,

    } catch(\Chibex\Ozioma\Exception\ApiException $e){
  • extras accepts arrays of delivery times, in case you want your scheduled message to deliver at different times.
  • time_zone_id You can call our time zone endpoint to get list of timezones and their ids. It's used to set at what timezone you want your scheduled message to delivery to your recipient(s)

3. Add Subscriber to your Newsletter list

To add subscriber from your system/website to your Newsletter list, first login to your Ozioma dashboard and create the newsletter list. Next call Newsletter $ozioma->newsletter->list(); to pull your list with their ids

    $ozioma = new Chibex\Ozioma(ACCESS-KEY);
        $response =  $ozioma->newsletter->addSubscriber([
                                    'id' => 2, //sms newsletter id
                                    'name' => 'Chibuike Mba',
                                    'phone_no' => '23470xxxxxxxx']);

    } catch(\Chibex\Ozioma\Exception\ApiException $e){

4. Add Subscribers to your Newsletter list

This is same as adding single subscriber but in this case you add multiple subscribers at once

    $ozioma = new Chibex\Ozioma(ACCESS-KEY);
        $response =  $ozioma->newsletter->addBulkSubscribers([
                                        'id' => 2, //sms newsletter id
                                        'subscribers' => [[
                                            'name' => 'Izuchukwugeme Okafor',
                                            'phone_no' => '23470xxxxxxxx'
                                            'name' => 'Franklin Nnakwe',
                                            'phone_no' => '23480xxxxxxxx'

    } catch(\Chibex\Ozioma\Exception\ApiException $e){

5. Add Birthday Contact to your Birthday group

To add contact from your system/website to your birthday group, first login to your Ozioma dashboard and create the birthday group. Next call Birthday $ozioma->birthday->getGroupList(); to pull your groups with their ids and $ozioma->month->list(); for months ids

    $ozioma = new Chibex\Ozioma(ACCESS-KEY);
        $response =  $ozioma->birthday->addContactToGroup([
                                        'group_id' => 7,
                                        'name' => 'Dennis Okonnachi',
                                        'phone_no' => '23470xxxxxxxx',
                                        'day' => 9,
                                        'month_id' => 1,

    } catch(\Chibex\Ozioma\Exception\ApiException $e){

6. Add Birthday Contacts to your Birthday group

This is same as adding single contact but in this case you add multiple contacts at once

    $ozioma = new Chibex\Ozioma(ACCESS-KEY);
        $response =  $ozioma->birthday->addBulkContactsToGroup([
                                        'group_id' => 7,
                                        'contacts' => [[
                                            'name' => 'Caleb',
                                            'phone_no' => '23470xxxxxxxx',
                                            'day' => 9,
                                            'month_id' => 1,

    } catch(\Chibex\Ozioma\Exception\ApiException $e){

7. Closing Notes

Generally, to make an API request after constructing a ozioma object, Make a call to the resource/method thus: $ozioma->{resource}->{method}(); for gets, use $ozioma->{resource}(id) and to list resources: $ozioma->{resource}s().

Currently, we support: 'message', 'newsletter', 'birthday', 'month', 'balance' and 'timezones'. Check our API reference(link-ozioma-api-reference) for the methods supported. To specify parameters, send as an array.

Check SAMPLES for more sample calls


This class helps you build valid json metadata strings to be sent when making transaction requests.

    $builder = new MetadataBuilder();

Add metadata

To turn off automatic snake-casing of Key names, do:

    MetadataBuilder::$auto_snake_case = false;

before you start adding metadata to the $builder.

Build JSON

Finally call build() to get your JSON metadata string.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


    $ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details. Check our todo list for features already intended.


If you discover any security related issues, please email chibexme@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.