
Provides simple Django storage that proxies every operation to original storage and saves meta information about files to database

Primary LanguagePython


Provides simple subclass of django storage that proxies every operation to original storage and saves meta information about files to database.

Full documentation for project is available at http://chibisov.github.io/django-proxy-storage/docs

Build Status PyPI


  • Tested for python 2.7 and 3.5 versions
  • Tested for Django 1.8 and 1.9 versions


$ pip install django-proxy-storage

Running tests

Unittest of this package requires docker. That's why for Mac OS X you have to install vagrant and only then run tests in VM.

$ cd tests_app
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant/

Running the tests:

$ sudo make prepare_for_tests
$ tox -- tests_app

Running test for exact environment:

$ tox -e py27-django18 -- tests_app

Recreate envs before running tests:

$ tox --recreate -- tests_app

Pass custom arguments:

$ tox -- tests_app --verbosity=3

Run with pdb support:

$ tox -- tests_app --processes=0 --nocapture

Run exact TestCase:

$ tox -- tests_app.tests.unit.meta_backends.orm.tests:ORMMetaBackendTest

Run tests from exact module:

$ tox -- tests_app.tests.unit.meta_backends.tests


Build docs:

$ make build_docs

Automatically build docs by watching changes:

$ pip install watchdog
$ make watch_docs