This repository contains my code snippets, hands on exercises and solutions from the Web Developmemt W/ Google's Go (golang) Programming Language Course by Todd McLeod.
The code snippets and exercises contains codes on a wide area or range of topics on the fundamentals of Web Development and Web Development With Go (golang) Programming language. This area includes:
This covers networking architecture, client/server architecture, http request / response pattern, RFC standards defined by the IETF, format of requests from clients and responses from servers.
Working with templates using Go's standard Library "text/template".
This covers the relationship between TCP and HTTP, Development of a TCP Server which responds to a HTTP request, rot13 and in-memory database using keys and values, understanding routing.
The net/http package
Understanding request using the Handler interface, http.ListenAndServe, http.Handle, http.HandleFunc, http.ServeContent methods from the net/http package.
State & Sessions
Creating States: UUID’s, cookies, values in URL’s, security, and creating and destroying of sessions.
Deploying an application to Google Cloud
Amazon Web Services
Using Amazon web services (AWS), creating a virtual linux machine on AWS EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute), using secure shell (SSH) to manage a virtual machine, using secure copy (SCP) to transfer files to a virtual machine, using load balancers on AWS.
Using MySQL on AWS, understanding CRUD, Working with MongoDB and Go, create MySQL workbench on AWS.
MVC (Model View Controller) Design Pattern
Hands on exercise on Docker images, Docker containers, and Docker registries, implementing Docker and Go, deploying Docker and Go.
Google Cloud
Web Dev Toolkit
- json.Marhsal & json.Unmarshal
- json.Encode & json.Decode
- Hash message authentication code (HMAC)
- Base64 encoding
- Web storage
- Context
- JSON with Go using Tags