
A machine learning program that estimates the amount of loan to be issued as seen in the dataset given. This program uses a simple hist gradient boosting regressor algorithm to estimate the likely loan user should be eligible for.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A machine learning program that estimates the amount of loan to be issued as seen in the dataset given. This program uses a simple hist gradient boosting regressor algorithm to estimate the likely loan user should be eligible for.

Data set and its description

Data Description
Loan_ID Unique loan request identifier
Gender sex of the user
Married Marital status
Dependents Number of dependents
Education if the candidate is graduate or not
Self_Employed if the user is working for himself
ApplicantIncome total income of the candidate
CoapplicantIncome total income of the borrower's partner
LoanAmount Amount requested
Loan_Amount_Term in months
Credit_History 1(okay or eligible), 0(Not eligible)
Property_Area nature of where the borrower live
Loan_Status if loan was granted or not

Dependencies and packages

  1. python = "^3.9"
  2. numpy = "^1.26.4"
  3. pandas = "^2.2.2"
  4. pydantic = "^2.7.3"
  5. scikit-learn = "^1.5.0"
  6. strictyaml = "^1.7.3"
  7. feature-engine = "^1.8.0"
  8. joblib = "^1.4.2"
  9. mlflow = "^2.13.2"
  10. ipykernel = "^6.29.4"
  11. hyperopt = "^0.2.7"
  12. scipy = "^1.13.1"
  13. loguru = "^0.7.2"

Source code link

Source code link: Github link


API Documentation 1 API Documentation 2 API Documentation 3 AWS Deploy Documentation 4 AWS Deploy Documentation 5