
🇯🇵🗾 with some 🚉train station data against 2016 population data.

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🇯🇵🗾 with some 🚉train station data against 2016 population data.

The reason for experiment

I wanted to figure out how to use Shapefile with ggplot. ggplot2 now has function called geom_sf, so I wanted to try figuring out how I can utilze this function!

Shapefile for Japan

I've downloaded shapefile from Esri site. https://www.esrij.com/products/japan-shp/ This shapefile had population data from 2016. So I've used this data to colour each section of map.

Train Station Data from Ekidata

I wanted to figure out if I can overlay location data on top of chropleth map, so I've decided to use train station location to overlay. http://www.ekidata.jp/

Chropleth Map of Japan (coloured with population data from 2016 Jan 1st)

Japan Chropleth Population Map


Tokyo excluding islands.
x is where train stations are located. Train station with more than 3 transfers are labeled. (Little too crowded for Tokyo, probably need to adjust later.)

Tokyo Here's another variation of map with name of area displayed. Tokyo Named

Kanagawa Prefecture

x is where train stations are located. Kanagawa

Here's another version with names of area. Kanagawa CityNames