- LibScan is a third-party library (TPL) detection tool for Android apps. Given the list of TPL JARs/DEXs and the Android app(s), it can detect which TPLs (and their versions) are used in the app(s).
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install asn1crypto decorator lxml networkx
cd tool
python3 LibScan.py detec_all [options]
- Please refer to the following command-line options in detail:
usage: LibScan.py detect_all [-h] [-o FOLDER] [-p num_processes] [-af FOLDER] [-lf FOLDER] [-ld FOLDER]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o FOLDER Specify directory of detection results (containing result in .TXT per app)
-p num_processes Specify maximum number of processes used in detection (default=#CPU_cores)
-af FOLDER Specify directory of apps
-lf FOLDER Specify directory of TPL versions
-ld FOLDER Specify directory of TPL versions in DEX files
- Usage example: For the apks in directory
, detect if each apk contains the TPL versions intool/libs
. - User may put the JAR file of TPL into
, or put the DEX file of TPL intotool/libs_dex
python3 LibScan.py detect_all -o outputs -af apks -lf libs -ld libs_dex
The major configurations can be deployed in module/config.py
# Maximum number of processes used in detection:
max_thread_num = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# Detection level: ("lib"=TPL level detection; "lib_version"=TPL version level detection)
# Default is TPL version level detection. Need to provide (TPL version,TPL) mapping in `conf/lib_name_map.csv` (We have provide the mapping for the ground truth dataset)
detect_type = "lib_version"
# class similarity threshold (theta)
class_similar = 0.7
# lib similarity threahold (theta2)
lib_similar = 0.85
# Global log configuration (INFO mode by default. Will output the phase-level matching results into log file when using DEBUG mode
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - [%(lineno)d] - %(message)s',
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("console")
We detect data/ground_truth_apks/com.linuxcounter.lico_update03.apk
contains which TPL versions in data/ground_truth_libs
Step 1: put data/ground_truth_apks/com.linuxcounter.lico_update03.apk
into tool/apks
Step 2: put all the library DEX files in data/ground_truth_libs_dex
into tool/libs_dex
, or
pub all the library JAR files in data/ground_truth_libs
into tool/libs
Step 3: run the following command:
python3 LibScan.py detect_all -o outputs -af apks -lf libs -ld libs_dex
The detection result is at tool/outputs/com.linuxcounter.lico_update03.apk.txt
. The content is in the form (TPL version name, similarity value)
and the detection time cost in the last line.
lib: com.android.support.gridlayout-v7.18.0.0
similarity: 1.0
lib: support-v4-18.0.0
similarity: 0.9995847803110373
lib: library-1.0.19 and com.mcxiaoke.volley.library.1.0.19
similarity: 1.0
time: 13s