The repository is actively being maintained here
This repository documents vulnerabilities that can occur in native Android apps running on Android 4.4 - Android 7.1. It contains benign apps with vulnerabilities related to ICC, Storage, Web and System APIs. Most of the benign apps are accompanied by malicious apps to exploit the vulnerabilities in the corresponding benign app. We have grouped the vulnerabilities based on APIs they stem from, e.g., ICC, Storage. In each group, each vulnerability benchmark occurs in folder named X-Y-Z where X is the capability that causes a vulnerability, Y is an exploit enabled by the vulnerability, and Z is the variation of the benchmark.
- Dec 14, 2017: A new benchmark related to task affinity of activities has been added. More details about the vulnerability/exploit can be found here.
- Nov 08, 2017: Ghera was presented at PROMISE'17. Here's the slide deck. We got some interesting feedback that we will incorporate shortly.
- Sep 10, 2017: 14 new lean benchmarks were added.
- 5 new lean benchmarks in 2 new categories: 2 in Network, and 3 in Crypto.
- 9 new lean benchmarks in existing categories: 2 in ICC, 3 in Storage, 1 in System, and 3 in Web
- Aug 07, 2017: Ghera: A Repository of Android App Vulnerability Benchmarks was accepted to be presented at PROMISE'17.
- Jun 27, 2017: Ghera: A Repository of Android App Vulnerability Benchmarks technical report is now available.
- Jun 27, 2017: Repo is public with 25 lean benchmarks :)
- Android Studio 2.3.1 or later
- JDK 1.8
OS X El Capitan (10.11.6)
export PATH=${PATH}:/path/to/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/path/to/Android/sdk/tools
Windows To avoid path too long errors, you should clone the repo into a top level folder called ghera.
$ git clone ghera
Android Studio 2.3.3 Beginning Android Studio 2.3.3, the android command was deprecated. If your using Android Studio 2.3.3 or later then use the following commands to set up an emulator instead of the commands listed in the README files under each benchmark.
Set Environment Varibles:
$ export PATH=/Applications/Android$PATH
$ export PATH=${PATH}:/path/to/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/path/to/Android/sdk/tools/bin
List targets:
$ avdmanager list targets
List available Android Virtual Devices:
$ avdmanager list avd
Create an emulator:
$ avdmanager create avd -n <name> -k <target>
target is obtained from the command listed in 1. name is the name you choose to give to the avd.
Start emulator:
$ emulator -avd <avd_name>
avd-name is obtained from the command listed in 2.
Android Versions All benchmarks have been tested on Android 4.4 (API Level 19) - Android 7.1 (API Level 25)
Please fork the repository and submit pull requests to add/edit new/old benchmarks. We will review the contributions, discuss any changes (if required) with you, and then approve before merging them into the repository.
Every benchmark should be accompanied by the following artifacts:
- Source code for a sample Benign app with a vulnerability. The sample app should be lean in the sense that it should contain a minimal set of features required to exhibit the vulnerability.
- Source code for a sample Malicious app that exploits the vulnerability in the Malicious app.
- A README file summarizing the vulnerability in one line, Android versions affected, a short description of the vulnerability and the exploit along with a description of the example apps in 1 and 2, and finally steps to
build the sample apps instructions to exploit the vulnerability. - A one line summary and the title for benchmark in the top level README under each benchmark category e.g. ICC, Storage, System, Web. If it is a new category, then mention it and provide a brief explanation for the category.
- Any extra configuration the apps might require should be placed in the Misc folder.
Copyright (c) 2017, Kansas State University
Licensed under BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (
- Aditya Narkar (Developer + Tester)
- Joydeep Mitra (Developer + Tester) [Creator]
- Nasik Nafi (Tester)
- Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath (Advisor) [Creator]