
Polystack mod for autonomous navigation

Primary LanguageKiCad LayoutCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Chickadee Tech MicroSD Polystack Mod

This mod adds sensors for autonomous navigation to a Polystack.


See the wiki for documentation.


This mod board is part of the Polystack platform for modular microcontrol systems. More information on the platform can be found at polystack.org.


If you need support with a board you own or have development questions please email support@chickadee.tech or check chickadee.tech/support for other ways to get support.


Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Components and footprints for PCB parts are not included in this repository. Instead, checkout the chickadee-tech/kicad-libs repository in the same directory that this repository is checked out in. All part definitions should be relative so that they will load correctly.

Pull requests

For fixes please submit a pull request to the original repository. After the pull request is merged, check the Chickadee Tech Active Contributor Discount (ACD) to see if you are eligible for a discount code to use on your next purchase.


If developing your own version of the nav mod please remove all Chickadee Tech trademarks and follow the CC-BY license. While not required, please consider open sourcing your modifications so others can learn from your improvements. If you do email support@chickadee.tech and we may choose to add your project to the ACD.

You may also license the Polystack logo for free by emailing support@chickadee.tech. We'll ask for your gerbers to ensure the design complies with specifications laid out here and provide written permission to use the trademark after compliance has been demonstrated.