- Chi Cuong Nguyen - 611.111
- Tien Khanh Nguyen - 611.068
- Eman Mohamed - 611.113
- Elsabeth Assefa - 610.829
Name | version |
Spring Boot | 2.3.1.RELEASE |
Thymeleaf | 2.3.1.RELEASE |
Bootstrap | 4.5.0 |
Spring Security | 2.3.1.RELEASE |
Auth0 with JWT | 3.10.3 |
Spring Data JPA | 2.3.1.RELEASE |
Hibernate | 5.4.17.Final |
Java Functional Programming with Stream, Optional | 8 |
H2 DB | 1.4.200 |
Maven | 3.6.3 |
Before you get started, the following needs to be installed on your machine:
- Git
- Maven 3.6.3
- Java 8
- IDE such as (Intellij, Eclipse, ...) to enjoy coding ## Optional
$ git clone https://github.com/chicuongit913/cs545project.git
- Import to Intellij
- Right click pom.xml and add maven project
- Right clik src/main/java/cs545_project/online_market/OnlineMarketApplication.java and Run the project
- Enjoy
- Travel to the project folder
cd [project location]
- Using Maven to package the project into standalone Jar file
mvn package
- Run project using java -jar command
java -jar target/online_market-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
username | password | role |
admin | 123456 | ADMIN |
seller | 123456 | SELLER |
buyer | 123456 | BUYER |
URL: http://localhost:8082/auth/claim-token
"username": "[user_name]",
"password": "[password]"
Get the generated Token in the response Header which has key-value pair looks like below:
Authorization →Bearer eyxxxxx
Put that key-value pair in every request Header to be able to access the resources from APIs.
to get more user for login you can go to /resources/data.sql and table user