- 0
- 1
files in a directory was load random
#27 opened - 0
- 1
Aspect ratio/stretching
#25 opened - 2
Flashing black box in corner of output
#24 opened - 3
"crying alice" is looping forever
#23 opened - 2
-ad ANIMATE_DELAY has no effect
#22 opened - 2
no module named shuffle
#21 opened - 0
- 33
- 7
- 0
feature request: splash-screen counter
#15 opened - 58
- 3
Pre-load GIF images?
#13 opened - 6
overlapping display of gif
#12 opened - 1
Problem playing GIF
#11 opened - 22
greyscale output on C.H.I.P.
#10 opened - 0
debug/runtime option? show status
#9 opened - 2
- 2
- 2
Feature-Request: Screen on/off
#6 opened - 10
- 49
KeyError: 'duration'
#4 opened - 2
- 5
Feature-Request: clear screen/fb
#2 opened - 54