
Async utilities for Golang.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


async is a utility library for manipulating synchronous and asynchronous flows.


$ go get github.com/rafaeldias/async


async.Concurrent(tasks taskier) (Results, error)

Concurrent will execute all the functions concurrently using goroutines.

  • tasks is an internal interface which accept two async public types:
    • Tasks is a list of functions to be executed concurrently.
    • MapTasks is a map of string of functions to be executed concurrently.

The type of Results value depends on the type of tasks passed to the function. See type Results

All errors ocurred in the functions will be returned. See returning error and type Errors.


async.Parallel(tasks taskier) (Results, error)

Parallel will execute all the functions in parallel. It creates multiple goroutines and distributes the functions execution among them. The number of goroutines defaults to GOMAXPROCS. If the number of active goroutines is equal to GOMAXPROCS and there're more functions to execute, these functions will wait until one of functions being executed finishes its job.

  • tasks is an internal interface which accept two async public types:
    • async.Tasks is a list of functions to be executed in parallel.
    • async.MapTasks is a map of string of functions to be executed in parallel.

The type of Results value depends on the type of tasks passed to the function. See type Results.

All errors ocurred in the functions will be returned. See returning error and type Errors.


async.Waterfall(tasks Tasks, args ...interface{}) ([]interface[}, error)

Waterfall will execute all the functions in sequence, each returning their results to the next. If the last returning value of the function is of type error, then this value will not be passed to the next function.

  • tasks is a list of functions that will be executed in series.
  • args are optional parameters that will be passed to the first task.

Waterfall returns the results of the last task as []interface{} and error.

If an error occur in any of the functions to be executed, the next function will not be executed, and the error will be returned to the caller. See returning error.

Type Results

The Results is the type that is returned by Parallel and Concurrent:

type Results interface {
      Index(int) []interface{}  // Gets values by index
      Key(string) []interface{} // Gets values by key
      Len() int                 // Gets the length of the results
      Keys() []string           // Gets the keys of the results

The underlying type of Results will be different depending on the type of tasks passed to either Parallel or Concurrent. There are two async public types that can be passed to both functions:

  • Tasks is a list of functions that will be executed.
  • MapTasks is a map of string of functions to be executed.

When using Tasks, the underlying Results will be [][]interface{}:

res, err : = async.Parallel(async.Tasks{

We can get the results of the the second function:


Or we can iterate over the results using the Len() method:

for i := 0; i < res.Len(); i++ {

When using MapTasks, the underlying Results will be map[string][]interface{}:

res, err : = async.Concurrent(async.MapTasks{
        "one"  : funcOne,
        "two"  : funcTwo,
        "three": funcThree,

We can get the results of function "three":


Or we can also iterate over the map of results by using the Keys() method:

for k := range res.Keys() {

Type Errors

If errors occur in any function executed by Concurrent or Parallel an instance of Errors will be returned. Errors implements the error interface, so in order to test if an error occurred, check if the returned error is not nil, if it's not type cast it to Errors:

_, err : = async.Parallel(async.Tasks{func1, func2, ...funcN})

if err != nil {
        parallelErrors := err.(async.Errors)

        for _, e := range parallelErrors {

Returning error

In order for async to identify if an error occured, the error must be the last returning value of the function:

_, err := async.Waterfall(async.Tasks{
        func () (int, error) {
                return 1, nil
        // Function with error
        func (i int) (string, error) {
                if i > 0 {
                    // This line will interrupt the execution flow
                    return "", errors.New("Error occurred")
                return "Ok", nil
        // This function will not be executed.
        func (s string) {

if err != nil {
      fmt.Println(err.Error()); // "Error occurred"



import (


func fib(p, c int) (int, int) {
  return c, p + c

func main() {

        // execution in series.
        res, e := async.Waterfall(async.Tasks{
                func(p, c int) (int, error) {
                        return c, nil
        }, 0, 1)

        if e != nil {
              fmt.Printf("Error executing a Waterfall (%s)\n", e.Error())

        fmt.Println(res[0].(int)) // Prints 3


import (


func main() {

        res, e := async.Parallel(async.MapTasks{
                "one": func() int {
                        for i := 'a'; i < 'a'+26; i++ {
                                fmt.Printf("%c ", i)
                        return 1
                "two": func() int {
                        time.Sleep(2 * time.Microsecond)
                        for i := 0; i < 27; i++ {
                                fmt.Printf("%d ", i)
                        return 2
                "three": func() int {
                        for i := 'z'; i >= 'a'; i-- {
                                fmt.Printf("%c ", i)
                        return 3

        if e != nil {
                fmt.Printf("Errors [%s]\n", e.Error())
        fmt.Println("Results from task 'two': %v", res.Key("two"))


import (


func main() {

        res, e := async.Concurrent(async.Tasks{
                func() int {
                        for i := 'a'; i < 'a'+26; i++ {
                                fmt.Printf("%c ", i)
                        return 0
                func() error {
                        time.Sleep(3 * time.Microsecond)
                        for i := 0; i < 27; i++ {
                                fmt.Printf("%d ", i)
                        return errors.New("Error executing concurently")

        if e != nil {
                fmt.Printf("Errors [%s]\n", e.Error()) // output errors separated by space

        fmt.Println("Result from function 0: %v", res.Index(0))


Distributed under MIT License. See LICENSE file for more details.