
bash assertions 4 pure bash test suites :DD

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


ci bash

a small set of bash assert_* functions 4u2 write test suites in pure bash :DD


if any of the assertions do not hold true an error is printed to stderr and the helper calls exit 1

assert_status ./curl_header_dump 204
assert_equal twin twin
assert_not_equal fraud fr@ud
assert_match acab '^acab|ACAB$'
assert_files_equal ./a ./b
assert_files_equal_ignore_space ./a ./b
assert_gt 419 255
assert_lt -1 0

lurc() {
  curl -sS --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 "$@"

2 save u headache when using assert_match make sure 2 use single quotes around the second pattern arg

use lurc instead of plain curl to require TLS 1.2 for every connection and silent curl as long as there are no errors


touch two files test_suite.sh and .github/workflows/ci.yml as below


source bashert.sh from a local copy or via the network, then define test cases with simple bash function declarations making use of the provided assertion helpers, fx:

source <(curl -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chiefbiiko/bashert/v1.1.0/bashert.sh)

test_users_list_200() {
  printf "test_users_list_200\n"


  lurc \
    -X GET \
    -D $resp_head \
    https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users \
  > $resp_body

  assert_status $resp_head 200

  count=$(jq length $resp_body)

  assert_gt $count 0

  id=$(jq -r '.[0].id' $resp_body)
  username="$(jq -r '.[0].username' $resp_body)"

  assert_equal $id 1
  assert_match "$username" '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$'

sourceing from a url like above only works on ubuntu runners


  1. source your custom test_suite.sh
  2. call your bash test case functions
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
      - run: |
          source ./test_suite.sh

obviously, this needs 2 run in bash and you probly also want tools like curl and jq available in that shell - fortunately, when using github actions ubuntu-* and macos-* runners we get curl and jq preinstalled amongst other things
