
deno plugin 2 libhydrogen - broken due 2 changes in the deno plugin api - prs welcome

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


deno+libhydrogen logo

deno plugin 2 libhydrogen



import * as hydro from "https://denopkg.com/chiefbiiko/deno-libhydrogen@v0.2.1/mod.ts";

or just import what you need

import { hash } from "https://denopkg.com/chiefbiiko/deno-libhydrogen@v0.2.1/mod.ts";

auto-loading prebuilts

during import the module searches a shared library for your os within the directory ./.deno_plugins - configurable via environment variable DENO_PLUGINS. if the plugin can not be located a suitable prebuilt will be fetched from github releases.


following rust-libhydrogen's api amap


  • utils.pad(buf, blocksize) and utils.unpad(buf, blocksize) do not modify buf in place - rather return a modified copy of buf



export namespace random {
  export const SEEDBYTES: number = 32;

  export class Seed {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_seed?: Uint8Array);
    public static gen(): Seed;

  export function buf(out_len: number): Uint8Array;
  export function buf_deterministic(out_len: number, seed: Seed): Uint8Array;
  export function buf_deterministic_into(out: Uint8Array, seed: Seed): void;
  export function buf_into(out: Uint8Array): void;
  export function ratchet(): void;
  export function reseed(): void;
  export function u32(): number;
  export function uniform(upper_bound: number): number;


const r: number = random.uniform(100);

const buf: Uint8Array = random.buf(r + 1);


export namespace hash {
  export const BYTES: number = 32;
  export const BYTES_MAX: number = 65535;
  export const BYTES_MIN: number = 16;
  export const CONTEXTBYTES: number = 8;
  export const KEYBYTES: number = 32;

  export class Context {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_context: string | Uint8Array);
    public static create(raw_context: string | Uint8Array): Context;

  export class Key {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_key?: Uint8Array);
    public static gen(): Key;

  export interface DefaultHasher {
    update(input: Uint8Array): DefaultHasher;
    finish(out_len: number): Uint8Array;
    finish_into(out: Uint8Array): void;

  export function init(context: Context, key?: Key): DefaultHasher;
  export function hash(out_len: number, input: Uint8Array, context: Context, key?: Key): Uint8Array;
  export function hash_into(out: Uint8Array, input: Uint8Array, context: Context, key?: Key): void;


const msg: Uint8Array = Uint8Array.from([65, 67, 65, 66]);
const context: hash.Context = hash.Context.create("examples");

const digest: Uint8Array = hash.hash(hash.BYTES, msg, context);


export namespace kdf {
  export const BYTES_MAX: number = 65535;
  export const BYTES_MIN: number = 16;
  export const CONTEXTBYTES: number = 8;
  export const KEYBYTES: number = 32;

  export class Context {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_context: string | Uint8Array);
    public static create(raw_context: string | Uint8Array): Context;

  export class Key {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_key?: Uint8Array);
    public static gen(): Key;

  export function derive_from_key(subkey_len: number, subkey_id: bigint, context: Context, key: Key): Uint8Array;


const context: kdf.Context = kdf.Context.create("examples");
const master_key: kdf.Key = kdf.Key.gen();

const subkey: Uint8Array = kdf.derive_from_key(32, 1n, context, master_key);


export namespace secretbox {
  export const CONTEXTBYTES: number = 8;
  export const HEADERBYTES: number = 36;
  export const KEYBYTES: number = 32;
  export const PROBEBYTES: number = 16;

  export class Context {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_context: string | Uint8Array);
    public static create(raw_context: string | Uint8Array): Context;

  export class Key {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_key?: Uint8Array);
    public static gen(): Key;

  export class Probe {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(input: Uint8Array, context: Context, key: Key);
    public static create(input: Uint8Array, context: Context, key: Key): Probe;
    public verify(input: Uint8Array, context: Context, key: Key): void;

  export function decrypt(input: Uint8Array, msg_id: bigint, context: Context, key: Key): Uint8Array;
  export function encrypt(input: Uint8Array, msg_id: bigint, context: Context, key: Key): Uint8Array;


secretbox.decrypt throws if the ciphertext/tag is invalid


const context: secretbox.Context = secretbox.Context.create("examples");
const key: secretbox.Key = secretbox.Key.gen();
const msg: Uint8Array = Uint8Array.from([65, 67, 65, 66]);

const ciphertext: Uint8Array = secretbox.encrypt(msg, 0n, context, key);
const plaintext: Uint8Array = secretbox.decrypt(ciphertext, 0n, context, key);


export namespace sign {
  export const BYTES: number = 64;
  export const CONTEXTBYTES: number = 8;
  export const PUBLICKEYBYTES: number = 32;
  export const SECRETKEYBYTES: number = 64;
  export const SEEDBYTES: number = 32;

  export class Context {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_context: string | Uint8Array);
    public static create(raw_context: string | Uint8Array): Context;

  export class KeyPair {
    public readonly public_key: PublicKey;
    public readonly secret_key: SecretKey;
    constructor(raw_public_key: Uint8Array, raw_secret_key: Uint8Array);
    public static gen(): KeyPair;

  export class PublicKey {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_public_key: Uint8Array);

  export class SecretKey {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_secret_key: Uint8Array);

  export class Signature {
    public readonly bufferview: Uint8Array;
    constructor(raw_signature: Uint8Array);

  export interface Sign {
    update(input: Uint8Array): Sign;
    finish_create(secret_key: SecretKey): Signature;
    finish_verify(signature: Signature, public_key: PublicKey): void;

  export function init(context: Context): Sign;
  export function create(input: Uint8Array, context: Context, secret_key: SecretKey): Signature;
  export function verify(signature: Signature, input: Uint8Array, context: Context, public_key: PublicKey): void;


sign.verify and Sign#finish_verify throw if the signature is invalid


const msg: Uint8Array = Uint8Array.from([65, 67, 65, 66]);

const context: sign.Context = sign.Context.create("example\0");
const keypair: sign.KeyPair = sign.KeyPair.gen();

const sig: sign.Signature = sign.create(msg, context, keypair.secret_key);

sign.verify(sig, msg, context, keypair.public_key);


submodule bindings pending


submodule bindings pending


export namespace utils {
  export function bin2hex(buf: Uint8Array): string;
  export function compare(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): number;
  export function equal(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): boolean;
  export function hex2bin(hex: string, ignore: string = ""): Uint8Array;
  export function increment(buf: Uint8Array): void;
  export function memzero(buf: Uint8Array): void;
  export function pad(buf: Uint8Array, blocksize: number): Uint8Array;
  export function unpad(buf: Uint8Array, blocksize: number): Uint8Array;


const bin: Uint8Array = utils.hex2bin("abab");


const hex: string = utils.bin2hex(bin); // -> "acab"


export namespace errors {
  export class HydroError extends Error {


the errors.HydroError constructor does not have a message parameter


export namespace version {
  export function major(): number;
  export function minor(): number;
  export function string(): string;


const major: number = version.major();
const minor: number = version.minor();
const v: string = version.string();

security considerations

  • module throws only errors.HydroError - its instances have a fixed uninformative bogus message - to avoid leakage

    • still there is err.stack - make sure not to expose it to the outside of your application
  • deno-libhydrogen clears any internally allocated memory after use, both on deno and rust side, again - to avoid leakage

    • make sure to clear any secret memory owned by the parent application once you no longer need it, fx: utils.memzero(keypair.secret_key.bufferview)
