
Kickstart mobile app development with Cordova Mzi Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mzi Framework

Have you worked on a hybrid application and got tired of the amount of scaffolding you have to deal with to have a minimum viable product/prototype? Not anymore!

About Mzi

Mzi Framework is a comprehensive cordova template that will enable you to generate the necessary scaffolding code you need to make an application.

Plugins included

Its easy to forget a necessary plugin, especially if you work on several projects - so we've got you covered.

  1. cordova-plugin-webpack
  2. cordova-plugin-camera
  3. cordova-plugin-splashscreen
  4. cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing
  5. cordova-plugin-app-version
  6. cordova-plugin-device
  7. cordova-plugin-statusbar
  8. cordova-plugin-network-information
  9. cordova-plugin-dialogs
  10. cordova-plugin-local-notification
  11. cordova-plugin-ionic-webview
  12. cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard

Platforms included

  • Android
  • Browser (for development)

Platforms that can be added

To add a new platform:

cordova add ios
  • ios (Mac needed)
  • osx (Mac needed)
  • windows (Windows 10 PC required)
  • You can use virtual box if you don't have access to a Mac

Others included

  • Vue JS
  • jQuery
  • Font awesome
  • Bootstrap
  • Notify JS


You are required to have the latest npm, cordova and android sdk installed. To install this template, run the following command:

cordova create todo club.eldoretartisans.todo Todo --template https://github.com/chiefbrob/mzi

Code syntax

The markup language used is vue because of its immense benefits.

Inside www/index.html create a new view

<application-view name="todo">

Inside www/js/app.js create a new component

		return {
			todos: [],
			input: ''
	methods: {
			this.input = '';
			notify('Todo created');
			var new_todos = [];
			for(var i=0; i<this.todos.length; i++)
				if(t != this.todos[i])

			this.todos = new_todos;
			error("Todo deleted");
    template: `
            ToDo App
        	<p style="text-align: center">
        		<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="create todo" v-model="input" />
        		<button @click="create_todo" :disabled="input.length == 0">Create</button>

        	<div v-for="t in todos">
        		{{ t }} <i class="fa fa-trash right-side" @click="delete_todo(t)"></i>

In the home component, add a button that redirects to your todo

<button @click="navigate('todo')">Show Todo</button>

The navigate method is a custom method that in fires the showView event. To navigate within your views from within javascript code

Event.$emit('showView', 'todo');

If the view requires authentication, it would be checked first.

To persist data in local storage

set('todos',{'go to the bank','go shopping'});

//some code

var saved_todos = fetch('todos');

Working with apis

First set your url in the url() function then update the api endpoint.

    type: 'POST',
    url: api('contactUs'), //https://www.yoursite.com/web-api/contactUs
    data: {
        name: this.names,
        email: this.email,
        message: this.message
    success: function(response) {

        if(response == 0)
            notify('Thank you for contacting us');
            error("Failed to send message");
    error: function(e) {
        error("Network error");


Mzi framework creates a cordova application.

cordova run browser
cordova run android

For futher reference, kindly visit Apache Cordova's main site


Change the vue version to production by referencing js/vue.min.js in your index.html

Currently working on the backend with laravel to complete the development chain. This can be found here once made available


We would like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for helping fund on-going Mzi framework development:


If there exists bugs or points of correction, kindly email Brian Obare. All issues raised will be looked into and addressed.


Mzi framework is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.