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To try out Etherscan verification, you first need to deploy a contract to an Ethereum network that's supported by Etherscan, such as Ropsten.
In this project, copy the .env.example file to a file named .env, and then edit it to fill in the details. Enter your Etherscan API key, your Ropsten node URL (eg from Alchemy), and the private key of the account which will send the deployment transaction. With a valid .env file in place, first deploy your contract:
hardhat run --network ropsten scripts/deploy.js
Then, copy the deployment address and paste it in to replace DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
in this command:
npx hardhat verify --network ropsten DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello, Hardhat!"
5/23 Mainnet Deployment
Deployer Address: 0xAF48C210B0842cAc305376c24433a61fB7Dec6ef
USDC: 0x04068DA6C83AFCFA0e13ba15A6696662335D5B75
TAKE 0xE9e5a97aCc59BB68813bF368487fBFfd0a39713b
Presale Round 1: 0x869189056274Db20A4f4aC75BC7e15BC04854246
Presale Round 2: 0xE895F3083eDf36B1F3346458602ef759832F69f2
Transferring Presale Round 1 ownership to Treasury
Transferring Presale Round 2 ownership to Treasury
Transfering 9360000 TAKE to treasury
Deployer: 0x8c770868323e6ED2360Dc800585cb1254647c476
TestToken: 0xB0eCef760887D87D8160d187a75cE93E58CDCEe7
TAKE 0xf7d9A8f5E8404471772F6B404033Fb54469571bb
TakepileFactory: 0xCe3Bbd47113e2cD62Ada04429D8b39Cdb3F8Da0c
xTakeFactory: 0xC111162eD59eb27c3d201272C5ba60C45a2Fb085
Driver: 0xB3913a5782ac4cFb50b70c340b9164312b9F81F6
pileToken 0x76DBC0874E12fea2859B29917D76A0b78f00e09a
MockPriceConsumer: 0x87684eb12c7C2D5621F7D3e9eE9ba3d698AC7355
Deployed 4/27:
ChainlinkPriceConsumer: 0xbf61F73973Df5E85b7142aaaB4c4Bdd2Ea8C574b
Initially we will use Chainlink Oracles for real-time market price data. However in theory we can use any other oracle that's available.
- Main contract that users will interface with
- Basic trading:
- Liquidation:
- Limit Orders:
All trading methods call internal methods increasePosition
or decreasePosition
- TAKE will be distributed via simple interest rate emissions on open positions, according to the Takepile's distribution rate (managed by governance)
- Responsible for creating new Takepiles, validation layer, and TAKE emissions
- Will distribute TAKE according to Takepile's distribution rate until the Driver's TAKE balance is exhausted
- Will also distribute TAKE to Vault stakers until Driver's Take balance is exhausted
Every individual Takepile will have it's own "Distributor" contract responsible for distributing a portion of Takepile fees to stakers who have staked their TAKE on the Takepile.
For example, users deposit TAKE into the USDT Takepile Distributor in exchange for xTAKE (USDT)
The Distributor contract is an ERC20 contract with four main external methods:
- stake: stake TAKE in exchange for the pile's xTAKE
- unstake: burn xTAKE to get staked TAKE back
- claimable: get the current claimable amount
- claim: collect fees accrued on your stake
When a position is opened on the Takepile, the Takepile contract will call the internal distribute
function which transfers pileToken from the Takepile to the distributor. The distributor makes sure balances are reconciled before any claims and transfers (including mint and burn) to ensure accurate accounting.
To reduce rounding errors, a "pointMultiplier" is used. There may still be some left over funds that get stuck in the contract -- this is something to review further.
To incentivize people to add TAKE to liquidity pools, we want to offer additional TAKE rewards if they lock up their LP tokens with us for a certain period of time.
The TakepileDriver
is responsible for TAKE
emissions. Upon closing a position, the TakepileToken
contract calls the driver's distributeTakeFromTakepile
method, and the TAKE rewards are sent to the user.
emissions work in a similar way. Whenever a user claims their accrued rewards for their stake, the Vault
contract calls the drivers distributeTakeFromVault
method with the stake amount and lockup period. The Driver
calculate the rate for this lockup period, calculates the distribution using that rate, and the TAKE rewards are sent to the user.
There will be different rates for each lockup period:
- No lockup: rate 0
= 30 day lockup: rate 1
= 180 day lockup: rate 2
= 365 day lockup: rate 3
A stake with no lockup period can be withdrawn at any time. A stake with a lockup period cannot be unstaked until the lockup period has surpassed.
If there is an available claim when someone tries to unstake, the protocol will autoclaim the reward for them. (so not required to claim before unstake).
Place Market Increase (who, symbol, amount, isLong)
- Transfer
of pile token from who to Takepile - Get current price for
- If position for this symbol already exists:
- Fail if conflicting
directions - Create position at entry price with
position.amount = amount - entry fees
- Fail if conflicting
- Otherwise:
- Add
amount - entry fees
to existing position and update entry price
- Add
Place Market Decrease (who, symbol, amount, isLong)
- Fail if position does not exist
- If
greater thanposition.amount
, setamount
- Compute
exit amount = amount - exit fees
- Get current price for
to use as exit price - Compute
reward = amount * (% gain/loss in position)
- Transfer
exit amount
- Mint/burn reward (mint if reward positive, burn if reward negative)
Place Limit Increase (who, symbol, amount, isLong, limitPrice)
- Fail if existing position exists and does not match
direction - Transfer
from who to Takepile, and store on users "limit balance" - Create increase limit order and wait for trigger
Place Limit Decrease (who, symbol, stopLoss, takeProfit)
- Fail if position does not exist
- Fail if order would trigger immediately
- Create decrease limit order and wait for trigger
Cancel limit order (who, symbol)
- Fail if order does not exist
- If order would've opened position, transfer amount from Takepile to who, and decrement users "limit balance"
- Set limit order to inactive
Trigger Limit Order (who, symbol)
- Fail if order does not exist or is inactive
- Fail if price conditions not satisfied
- If order opens position:
- Take fees from user's "temp balance" (user already transferred funds on limit order creation)
- Create position
- If order closes position:
- Follow same logic as "Exit Position":
- Transfers
position.amount - exit fees
pile token from Takepile to who - Mints or burns pileToken for who depending on result of trade
- Delete position
- Transfers trigger fees to the trigger
- Set limit order to inactive
- Every position will have a size, and a collateral amount
- Resulting leverage is total position size divided by collateral amount.
Position: Size 1000, Collateral 100 @ $100 Current price: 90 Scale: 100
Leverage = size / collateral = 10x Factor = (entryPrice - exitPrice) * scaleFactor * leverage / entryPrice = (100 - 90) * 100 * 10 / 100 = 100
Liquidatable if Factor > scale
Say current price is 110, a 10% gain How much will leveraged user receive if the exit position?
Reward = (position.size * 1.1) - position.size; Position size 1000 --> 1100 Reward = 1100 - 1000 = 100
Should receive back collateral + reward = 100 + 100 = 200
Say current price is 95, a 5% loss How much will leveraged user receive if the exit position?
Reward = (position.size * exitPrice / entryPrice ) - position.size; Reward = (95 / 100 * 1000) - 1000 = -50
Should receive back collateral + reward = 100 - 50 = 50
Position size: 25000 Collateral: 1000
Leverage = size / collateral = 25
Entry price: 100 Exit price: 99
Health Factor = ((entryPrice-exitPrice)/entryPrice)*10 If > 1 --> liquidatable
Get back = (25000 * 99 / 100) - 25000 + 1000 = 750
- TakepileFactory is the biggest contract, almost reaching the 24kb limit
- Including
on TakepileFactory and restricting Takepile creation to owner adds 0.567 kb- This is not necessarily a bad thing to allow anyone to create a takepile
- Only those created by the TakepileDriver will emit creation events (and that method is protected) so there might not be much harm in allowing it to be open; same goes for xTake and the xTakeFactory
- Are fees lost on cancelled limit orders? No. Fees are only taken on position entry.
- Will liquidated positions receive TAKE distribution? No.
- Will increaseing and decreasing market positions manually cancel limit orders? No.
- Make minimum withdraw time adjustable in Takepile config